Death as expected

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"Au! Au!" She screamed as she realized the source of pain. Her shut eyes quickly opened and her hands went to her head. She held her braids and tried to stop them from hurting but her weight was pulling her down.

"STOP! STOP!" She shouted at the wolf aggressively and waved her hands upward, trying to hit it. "If you're going to eat me, just eat. No need to store me up for winter. Your Cubs can eat your throw up. Now put me down."

In those small seconds of near death fright, she had somehow just decided to die. It was better to die earlier than later, better to have it quick than slow.

The wolf was holding her up by her braids using his teeth; like she was a little pup. When she screamed to stop, it reluctantly let her go. She fell on her butt with a thump.

Denise clutched her waist in pain. She was a fragile girl, when had she ever been mishandled like this? But it was no time to be picky, she was facing impending doom. How could she reason with a wolf? Though, it seemed, the wolf did have some sort of understanding.

Massaging her aching scalp, she eyed the wolf. Mr. wolf who noticed this also put himself up for careful observation. He turned this way and that and swished his tail, trying to show off all his best sides.

Denise on the other hand, with her high IQ, failed to understand what he was up to. What she did notice was that spark of intelligence in those wild eyes. If it were possible to just appear somewhere else when she was just in her room and have a wolf a size greater than an elephant, then it mustn't be rare for the said wolf to have civilized thoughts. She decided to try something.

Even though she had just received the fright of her life, her brain refused to acknowledge it. Maybe later was when the fear would settle in but at the moment, she needed to get to safety first.

Slowly she stood up and tried to walk away. The wolf followed.

Denise; treat it like a dog Denise. Treat it like a dog.

"No. Stay," She commanded. It looked at her like she was an idiot.

She tried to walk away again. He still followed.

Denise; Well at least it is not gouging me. Or maybe it's making sure I don't escape.

She turned back to the wolf. She found that she had gained more confidence because she hadn't been eaten yet. She felt she had to make sure she wouldn't be eaten- at least until she got a proper weapon.

"Listen," she said. She was amused to find that the wolf actually looked at her like it was paying attention, "don't try to eat me. I'm poisonous. I take plenty of soda and deep fried foods so you know there's plenty of caffeine in me and you'll end up with seven percent higher risk of heart attack and stroke."

Denise; (☍﹏⁰) I'm not tasty. I swear.

Mr. wolf: (・-・.) !!?
females were never smart anyway. If she were smart, she would have known running is useless.

Denise nodded firmly, "Yeah. You better take my words seriously. You'd hate to be the one who died for the rest to find out."

She proceeded to try to walk away. He still followed.

"Don't come any closer," she was getting frustrated, "I- I. Do you understand me?"

The wolf nodded.

"Good stay awa- OH MY GOD! You just nodded," she was seriously impressed but quickly got back to business, "Don't try to eat me."

By some unknown sorcery, the wolf morphed into a man. Yes, of course, he was naked. "I'm not going to eat you."

Denise: ....

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