Dear God!

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It took her a while to relax, a very long while. When her tensed muscled eased, her body recalled the pain in her calf. It was amazing the amount of pain adrenaline made her body forget. She was able to discover how her ankle was strained, her throat hurt, her eyes hurt, her feet had been jabbed several times by hard objects on the forest floor and parts of her skin had been lightly bruised. And the stinging pain in her neck.

She decided to ignore her pain and try to discover a way out of the woods.

She actually hadn't run far. The size of each tree was truly amazing. It would take her a real run to cross the diameter of any of the trees.

Such trees covered the areas for miles, as far as her eyes could see.

She sighed. Finding a way out of the forest seemed like a useless pursuit. Her best option was to get to higher ground and- she looked up- the trees were clearly on a marathon for whom would touch the sky first.

Denise; I can only wish these trees luck.

She was in a place she just magically appeared in. She wasn't stupid enough to think she could just walk back. She recently met a wolf wanting to kill her- only God knew what other dangers were lurking in the shadows.

Her best option was to get information out of the wolf. Her brain quickly came around the shock for a solution. When things couldn't be explained, it was best to come up with a more stable physical condition. If she understands the place, then she may find out how she got there and sort out her next line of action.

In a few seconds, she cleared her mind and decided to learn what was in the new world without contrasting it with the world she was used to. She would take everything as normal, from the world's sudden appearance to the shapeshifting. Whether or not she was in a dream, she would find a way out.

She would deal with the shock of it all when she was on the other side.

"Oh! So you decided to come back on your own?" Mr. wolf sneered as he watched her.

She was purposefully staying off the ground by leaping from one root to the next.

He rubbed his nose, "Don't worry I don't segregate. When I pee on the ground, the roots also get some. Otherwise they may feel mistreated."

Denise; it's really a dog Ah!

Denise felt her head heat up in anger. She resisted the urge to take a calming breath and didn't move around after that. She tried to look at the wolf as calmly as she could but be was still naked.

She raised her hand to shield her eyes, "For the love of nature, could you put some clothes or grow fur or something?"

"Why should my body be covered up when it's your eyes that won't stop looking? You're bothered, do something about your eyes," he retorted lightly.

Denise dropped her hands from her eyes. "Dear God!" She mumbled. She was at a loss for words. The natural order of things was to keep private junk out of public eyes. When was it that the public had to keep their nose out?

"Fuck it," she flicked her hand, "It's not like I haven't seen it a million times before."

Though it was still embarrassing, there was no part of males that she didn't know. In fact, for that part in particular, she could accurately draw and label all the external and internal parts.

This was all thanks to biology class and good old Mr. Google, sir. First when she was eleven then sixteen, she had had to draw that part to perfection and hand in for marking. It was just that when her and her friends got to sixteen, the drawing of the external diagram was more bold, pronounced and artistic.

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