step one; bondage

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In all her wisdom, Denise decided to face off with the wolf. She needed to pass down all she had harnessed while in highschool.

First, she sat down and had a monologue while she ate the sweet potato and drank possibly poisonous water from an equally possibly contaminated leaf.

She ate almost half of the warm sweet potato before she had her fill. Then she shot to her feet with some serious determination dusted her pants and hastily rushed in the direction of the cave. She made a dozen wrong turns before she finally got to the cave.

She stopped outside and called out to him, "Wolf dude."

The majestic wolf looked down from above. It had been resting on the roof of its cave.

"Why are you hanging around my cave?"

Denise's head swang upwards then snapped back down while her eyes shut tight. She tried hard to burn the image of the nude man out of her mind but it wasn't working too well. She complained mentally, 'this man! Couldn't he warn people when he was going to expose everything.'

"I need a place to sleep. You said the fog is poisonous or something like that. So I can't stay out," she stated.

She refused to look up. She kept her gaze in the zone where she couldn't meet the sight of him in her peripheral vision.

He ignored her.

"Wolf dude," she paused, "Wait what's your name?"

He ignored her. He simply stood on the roof trying to find something better to do.

"Listen Mr," Denise said seriously, "I don't know where the fuck I am. Everything around me seems so fucking dangerous."

She had never faced death as many times as she had in the past couple of hours. It was already frustrating her.

"I don't know how the hell I should get back or how I can get anywhere. And that is a damn good favor in your hands. As a kidnapper, you'd probably get ten points on having the hostage in a place they don't know yet your very familiar with it. It makes it easier to catch them if they manage to escape. Then denying them food and water drains them physically and mentally. Let's not forget the constant threats of death; you're really killing their psychological health with that one," then she snapped her fingers as she said, "fifty points right there. Just like that."

Mr. wolf looked at her like she was deranged and tried again to ignore her.

With the slyness and confident tone of a true debater, she delivered her point, "But you fail miserably when it comes to confinement. You need to put the victim in a closed and secured area instead of letting them be free. Heaven knows there is a chance of a perfect escape."

He titled his head towards her and said, "We both know that I'm way faster than you can ever be."

"You're failing to see the point," she said, "escaping isn't about speed. It's about strategy and perfect timing." She continued, sounding reasonable, "Look! look, your best option is to put me inside and tie me up. Tie up both legs and arms and make sure the binds used are connected to something firm that can't be moved by me. The chances of escape are slimmer compared to this free range system you have me on."

For some time, he actually looked like he was digesting her pointers with a required level of seriousness. Denise became more determined to deliver her point. If she actually convinced him, she would congratulate herself on being a young genius.

Denise; hehehe! I'm so smart.

"Keeping me in a place where I'll constantly be unaware of my environment is key. It increases the chances of getting what you want. Moreover, it will make me more afraid of you. That's what you need from a victim," so she could wake up to lamenting about not knowing how many days have gone by or whether it were night or day. Either way, it would be cold and dark. That was something a novel-perfect protagonist would face.

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