Harry Potter: A Cinderello Story III - A Twist in Time

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Harry couldn't be happier his dreams have finally come true. With the help of his godfather, Sirius and his special friends, Harry had made it to the Yule Ball, but he had meet Ginny. It was love at first sight, the couple seemed married and Harry became a prince.

Harry went to live in the palace of Hogwarts leaving behind his wicked uncle, Vernon and his hateful aunt, Petunia and his two cruel cousins, Dudley and Anthony and their four orphaned roommates, Piers, Malcolm and Dennis. All seven of them had treated Harry like a servant. Now the cousins and their roommates were all angry and jealous of Harry.

Secretly Anthony yearned for a happy ending of his own.
One day he spotted Harry and Ginny walking towards the woods Anthony followed them in a cleaning where Harry's friends had planned a surprise anniversary party and the station he had behind a tree and watched.

With the wish of his wand, Sirius said, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo". Instantly the clothes Harry and Ginny were wearing transform into the ball costumes they had worn the night they have fallen in love.
Anthony gasped so that's how Harry did it—magic!

As the other wizards and Sirius serenaded the beautiful couple, Ginny lovingly took Harry in his arms. The couple dance in the moonlight.
Sirius was having so much fun that he threw his arms up and excited sending his water flying through the air. The wand landed right in front of Anthony!

"Perfect!" cried Anthony. He snatched the wand and ran.
Anthony hurried home to his uncle, aunt, cousin and his roommates. Just in Sirius appeared.
"Young man, put that down," Sirius scolded Anthony. "In the wrong hands that wand could be extremely dangerous in the hands of a Muggle."
Anthony refused, he turned Sirius into a stone garden gnome!

The wicked Uncle Vernon's eyes grew wide when he saw the power of the wand.
"Do you realize what this means Petunia and boys, it means riches revenge." he said.

Then Uncle Vernon pointed the wand towards the sky. "Reversed the Moon and Sun turned back time and time on rival Harry Potter's happily ever after to the moment our troubles began!"

Suddenly time turned back to the exact moment that Professor McGonagall arrived at matter with a single glass shoe. The lucky boy whose foot fit the shoe would marry Ginny.

Just before Anthony tried on the glass shoe, Uncle Vernon used the magic wand to stretch shoe to fit on the part of his nephew's big feet. Professor McGonagall was stunned.
"Yes! It fits!" cried Anthony.
"I hereby declare that we have found Ginny's bride to be!" announced Professor McGonagall. "We must return on the path to Hogwarts at once.

Just then Harry appeared at the top of the stairs holding the matching glass shoe.
"No! It can't be!" he said looking very upset.
Uncle Vernon confronted Harry. "Whatever you think happened last night was a dream." the wicked man said slyly. Then he took Harry's glass shoe and dropped it off of the staircase shattering the shoe.

Harry's two shrinking friends, Ron and Hermione did their best to cheer him up If only Harry could see Ginny again, everything would be set right. The three friends hurried to Hogwarts Castle.

Getting into Hogwarts Castle wouldn't be easy, however Harry pretended to be a server delivering a will of cheese to Dumbledore, Ron and Hermione hid in his pocket out once inside the friends lived split up and went to look for Ginny.
The shrinking wizards found Ginny first, but they were too late. They watch Uncle Vernon use the magic wand to cast a spell on Ginny.
Suddenly Ginny thought Anthony was her true love. Ginny asks Anthony to marry her.
"We have to find Harry!" Ron explained to Hermione.

Harry found Ginny a little while later. Sadly, she didn't remember him at all, she spoke only Anthony, she planned to marry him that very night.
Harry was devastated he didn't know what to do.

Luckily Ron and Hermione knew the truth. Once they found Harry, they explained what they had seen.

Stunned, Harry uttered, "He made her forget who I am." More determined than ever, Harry declared, "Guys, we have to get that wand!"

Meanwhile Molly took Anthony side. She handed him a small box with the simple seashell inside this shell was Arthur's most treasured possessions, Molly explained, "The day we met you see we reach for it at the same time when our hands touched that's when I knew I had found true love."
"You knew that just by touching his hand?" asked Anthony.
"There's no more powerful force in the world than true love." Molly told him.

Back inside, Harry watched Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and the boys through a keyhole as Uncle Vernon locked the wand in the drawer.
Ron and Hermione offered to retrieve it. Harry agreed, but warned them to stay clear of Aunt Margie. Ron and Hermione did their best to snatch back the wand. Once they got hold of it, the two shrinking wizards as fast their little legs could carry them.
With the loud scream! Meooooowwwwww! Aunt Margie lodged at the shrinking wizards.

Uncle Vernon spun around.
"The wand!" she cried.
But the shrinking wizards carried out the door. Still carrying the wand.

Uncle Vernon called Harry a thief and he ordered the guards to arrest him. Harry and the shrinking wizards ran the palace looking for Ginny.
"You're under a spell!" he cried "That's why you don't remember me!"
Harry reached out to touch Ginny. She felt there was something familiar about him.

"Poor child. Obviously out of his mind." Uncle Vernon said. Once Ginny left however Uncle Vernon turned to the head guard in order. "Put him on the next ship leaving Hogwarts. I'll banished him forever."

It was now up to Harry's shrinking wizards to save the day. Ron and Hermione found Ginny and told her the truth.

The shrinking wizards even shows that the beautiful Ginny the glass shoe that Hedwig and his feathered friends had meticulously glued back together.
When Ginny heard her true love was on a ship that was set to sail, he raced out the door and towards the harbor.

Ginny arrived at the ship just in time. As soon as she could touched Harry's hands, the spell that she was under was broken. Ginny suddenly remembered everything about Harry. Ginny asks for his hand in marriage and Harry joyfully accepted.
Together at last, Harry and Ginny return to Hogwarts Castle. Inside, however Uncle Vernon was furious.
"She thinks she can ruin my plans," he hissed. "I think not."
As the guards broke through the locked door to arrest the wicked man, his wife, his son and the four boys that Dumbledore orders them, Uncle Vernon waved the magic wand in a brilliant burst of light, he, Aunt Petunia, Dudley, Anthony and the three boys vanished.

As Harry prepare the evening for his suit of his wedding, his evil uncle emerged and seeks vengeance on Harry for what did to him, his wife, his son, his sister and all of their people as he join forces with Lord Voldemort.
"It appears you are were right, Harry Potter." Uncle Vernon said coldly. "Ginny does want to marry you—and marry you be shall."
Than he called out for Anthony. His nephew stepped out of the shadows—looking exactly like Harry!

With a flourish, Uncle Vernon wave the magic wand, and the real Harry and his two friends!
They reappeared trapped inside an evil pumpkin coach. The sinister coachwoman was none other than Aunt Margie and the sinister footmen were none other than Piers, Malcolm and Dennis. They have strict orders get rid of Harry once and for all.
Aunt Margie crack the whip over the griffin's head and the coach hurled through the night faster than a shooting star. Harry and his friends feared for their lives.

Harry needed to do something and quick. Desperately he uses Ron's wand to lift Piers, Malcolm and Dennis onto the air and he sent them flying head over the coach into a muddy stream of the woods where they get spanked by Treebeard and Hobbits, and he then yanked on the vine that Aunt Margie was sitting on. That sent the monster cat lady flying into the hands of the rock monster. Ron and Hermione then pulled out the pin that connected the griffin harness to the coach.

Finally, all of the friends were on the griffin safe and sound. Harry grabbed the reins and pulled the mythical beast to a stop just inside the pumpkin coach plummeted over the edge.

Determined not to miss his own wedding, Harry dashed to Hogwarts Castle
"Do you Harry take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife?" The Wizard Priest asks Anthony.
Anthony hesitated he wanted to be loved for who he was not for who he was pretending to be. "I..I...don't." he said finally.
At that moment the real Harry arrived and ran down the all the guests gasp in surprise.

With Aunt Petunia and Dudley at his side, Uncle Vernon stormed out of the hiding place. "Spoiled little big-chin ingrate," he growled at Anthony.
Uncle Vernon aimed the magic wand at Anthony and Harry and called out, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"
"No!" yelled Ginny leaping to protect the young men. She uses her wand to make a shield and deflected the wand's magic power.
The magic light from the wand turned evil Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley into bullfrogs!

Anthony took the wand and transformed back to his true self. Harry thanked his cousin for allegedly honorably and not married Ginny.
Finally, it was time to return to the wand to its rightful owner. Anthony and Harry said the magical words and with a "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" the Sirius statue came to life. His first order of business was to restore Harry's wedding suit.

"Does anyone want to marry our daughter?" Molly ordered.
Harry smile radiantly, "I do."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." said the Wizard Priest.
As Harry and Ginny kissed, everyone erupted into applause then the couple lived happily ever—again.

Harry Potter: A Cinderello Story III-A Twist in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now