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(Author's pov).

Jungkook desperately want to clear thing's out with taehyung,he is not naive, he can see how taehyung is ignoring his presence,he thought him nd tae had become friends, he even started to feel something towards taehyung, he wanted to confess,but see what cruel game destiny was playing with him, taehyung isn't talking to him.

Umm tae why are you ignoring me?.(jungkook questioned tae.

I am not ignoring you jungkook, just tell me what do you wanna talk about,nd it better be important ,cause as far now u r wasting my time.!(taehyung spoke bit rudely.

Taehyung word's definitely hurt jungkook ,but he was determined to clarify things between him and taehyung.

Taehyung,i can see you are not talking to me, you are changing your direction whenever u are seeing me,why? Did i somehow hurted you ,if i did then i am sorry,that maybe happened unintentionally , cause i myself don't know what i have done to you for you behaving like this with me,why you are punishing me for,whats my fault taehyung?.!(jungkook questioned sadly.

You, did nothing it's my so called expectations from you, which are hurting me,i does'nt wanna get hurt again that's why i m maintaining my distance with you.!(tae said without meeting jungkook's gaze.

What expectations? What are you talking about tae?.(jungkook again asked getting confused.

Leave it jungkook u won't understand.!(saying this taehyung was about to go but jungkook's next sentence stop him.

If u wanna go then go tae,i won't stop you cause that's ur decision, but before leaving hear my confession, I don't know what have i done with you,but u surely did something really bad with me,u stole my heart taehyung,my only heart which i was keeping safe from everyone since last 18 year's, you successfully stole it, now i have given my heart to you,i have none nd you have two, now it's upto you keep it or throw it,but i mean what i say,i started to fall for you, I LIKE YOU KIM TAEHYUNG.

Hearing jungkook's confession taehyung froze on his spot, he was unable to comprehend what just happened, taehyung was ready to let go of jungkook,but now suddenly dynamics are changed, jungkook is confessing to him.

But you nd jia.!(tae spoke confusedly.

What about me and jia?.(jungkook questioned with curiosity.

I saw you both in intimate position that day on party, even jia told me that u had s s sex with her.!(tae spoke getting embaressed.

I won't deny taehyung,what u saw was truth but not full truth,she definitely was trying to take my advantage,as matter of fact i was highly drunked, but before she go further than giving hickey ,i stopped her,she was lying taehyung nothing happened between us that night.!(jungkook clear his side.

Listening to Jungkook's side taehyung was guilty of himself,for assuming things about jungkook ,he was ashamed.

Oh so that's why you were not talking to me, but tell me one thing what's connection between me having sex with someone nd you not talking to me ,cause as far as i know i m single,nd we are not thing,then why taehyung?.(jungkook questioned to tae while smirking ,well who are you kidding jungkook is smart enough to understand why tae was behaving like that, simple he too felt something towards jungkook.

I um i that.!(poor tae stuttered getting red like tomato.

Yes, Ms sass queen what.?(jungkook said taking step towards taehyung, which make taehyung to step back until his back touched the wall ,and jungkook caged him .

I was getting jealous seeing you with her!.(taehyung said not making eye contact with jungkook.

Nd why were you getting jealous hmm?.(jungkook questioned his breath hitting on taehyung lips and nose.

Because, because i i don't know!.(taehyung whined while pouting.

Oh you don't know,than i should go back to jia.!(jungkook spoke teasingly.

DON'T You dare!.(taehyung spoke angrily.

Oh nd why's that?..(jungkook asked back.

Because Just few minutes back you confessed to me!.(taehyung spoke proudly.

But u didn't accept me Ms sass!(now jungkook spoke pouting.

But,i also didn't reject you.!(taehyung said sassily.

What's that mean?.(jungkook asked confusedly.

What i mean was,Court me jeon jungkook show me what you have got!.(tae whispered in jungkook ears , getting bold he even nibble on jungkook's earlobe,nd left from there not forgetting to wink at jungkook.

Taehyung this sudden change made jungkook fall for him even more,he grinned like a child, smiling sheepishly while rubbing back of his head ,he shouted something to tae.

"SO GET READY FROM TOMORROW ,I AM GONNA COURT YOU AND MAKE YOU MINE ".(jungkook shouted to make  taehyung listen.

"ALL THE BEST FOR IT , MAKE ME YOURS THEN ".!(taehyung smiled widely and shouted too while walking away..

To be continued...


I love this chapter, hope you guys to liked it,do vote and comment..

From next chapter get ready for Taekook fluff🤩🤩..

Love Saddy 💜

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