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Taekook are real for me,i believe in them,no fake covers can weaken my belief in them, until they themselves spoke that they aren't meant to be, HYBE'S really is stooping so low just to earn money,by using their Idols who are working really hard for them forgetting there sleeps,i will support taekook until very last,nd will keep writing taekook fics , until they themselves asked us to stop believing in them,nd if god forbid that  happened,it will be my last day on Wattpad....ahhhh i blabbered so much i am sorry, but i have to spoke about this,but let's forget and get into the story right away..


(Author's pov)

Finally after all the tentions,hard work, fights and hatred the day of battle is here, now selected Supernaturals' are waiting for dean to come..

Ahh i am so tensed,i am getting goosebumps on my skin, plz god be with us!..(taeh spoke getting hyper..

Calm down bun, everything will be fine and i am also with you!.(jungkook spoked to tae..

Yeah,we all are eachothers strength ,we have to keep faith in ourselves ,we surely will complete the task given to us,we will free "Goddess of Immortality"!.(hobi exclaimed..

Yes, let get this!!( Jimin spoked..

Are you guys ready?(dean asked coming out fully prepared,yes he is also joining the battle..

Yes Dean!(Supernaturals' chanted together..

Then let's go,we will defeat demon's and once again truth will win,we Supernaturals' are in it to win it!!(dean encouraged other's...


After 20 minutes of traveling supernaturals' along with dean reached "The Demon's Academy" and when they all went out of bus,they were shocked to see that demon's are already prepared..

Welcome,Sung Jooki welcome,i was waiting for you,i see u have prepared bunch of losers to defeat us,the demon's hahahah!!(the demon's king laughed at jooki..

Confidence is good for health, "Lee Shinjae' , but overconfidence kill,we are enough for you and your demon's!(jooki replied confidently..

We will see jooki,we will definitely see,but let me tell you,this time you have collected beauties for your Academy,that blue eyed one whose he!.(Shinjae' the demon's king asked pointing his finger at taehyung..

Hearing this kook got angry,but before taking any absurd decision ,which harm everyone, he carefully hide taehyung behind him..

That's none of your concern!(jooki replied sternly..

Awwe Don't be rude, don't you know sharing is caring, you can have any demon you like from our side,but in return you have to give him to me!!(Shinjae' disgust other's speaking like this about taehyung, specially jungkook, who was seeing red,his anger was taking over him,but tae's calm rub on his back was the only thing keeping him sane..

You still hadn't changed, once a flithy person is always a flith,he is of your kids age, don't you have any shame!!(jooki utter disgracefuly

Awee jooki knows me real Well,i might be oldy, but i can make him see heaven on bed!!(this was the last string which Shinjae' broked , while talking shit about jungkook's baby..

YOU BASTARD,I WILL KILL YOU!.(speaking this jungkook was about to attack demon king,but hobi and yoongi stopped him..

Calm down jungkook calm down,we will deal with him later,he is trying to instigate us, Don't let him!.(namjoon explained to jungkook..

My heart, young love oh so pure,i feel jealous ,why always Supernaturals' are the one who gets beauty for themselves,i too want him, well at last he will be mine ,but before let the battle begin!.(shinjae spoke, cracking his knuckles and neck..

Your overconfidence will kill you mark my words shinjae,we can stop this battle from happening,we can sort things out,just free "Immortality goddess" and remove your guards from "Door of Divinity'!.(jooki tried for last time..

So sad jooki,i love to see blood, I won't back out, you deliver us the 7 Marvel's,nd in return we won't kill any of your Supernaturals'.!.(Shinjae' offered , showing his disgusting smile..

Okay if it's your last decision,than let the battle begin..!(jooki spoked..

After getting green signal from there head's, students from both the Academy started to fight..

Blood,pain,grunt and whimper was the only thing being heard, demon's were powerful attacking at Supernaturals' with all there force..

They already have killed 5 Supernaturals' , but niether of demon's got any scratch..

Jungkook was getting hyper seeing all this,so he doubled his attack,by hypnotising 10 demon's in one go, make them killing there own members, watching jungkook other' also get hyped nd started to attack' more precisely..

Poor taehyung was watching all this from afar,where jungkook made him sit,he was feeling worthless and useless,his friends were getting injured,his lover was fighting with 10 demon's at a time,but he wasn't able to help them,this was making him cry badly..


It's been 20 minutes since battle started, demon's were leading,they weren't only leading ,they were double in numbers, whereas only 20 Supernaturals' were left to fight ,demon's were still above 100..

Jimin was fighting really hard,but a demon attacked' him, hurting his arms,jin too was same blood was oozing out from his head..

Yoongi's was blocked by 4 demon's, namjoon was getting exhausted,some demon's were hovered over hobi..

Jungkook was busy in fighting, forgetting his pain and wounds, he was handling lot of demon's alone and its getting hard for him..

Taehyung who was getting restless, seeing his lover and his friends conditions,cried loud that rain started to pour,he was feeling so pathetic, the scenario infront of him is killing him, seeing a demon was about to attack jungkook from behind, taehyung shouted ,he shouted that desperately, that everything around him stopped,the ongoing battle stoped..

Cause there was taehyung standing in middle of battle field, his eyes glowing purple, he was sorrounded by purple colour beem..

Seeing taehyung like that jungkook too started to glow red,as he was choosen soulmate of taehyung

Dean seeing taehyung like that got shocked and other 5 Marvel's too were stunned seeing taehyung new look and not to forget the Demon king..

Cause the one who was owner of the "Door of Divinity',the one whose one touch can open the doors for "Immortal crystal,the one who can kill all demon from his one attack,the one who was mixture of 6 Marvel's power ,the one who is known as "GOD OF DIVINITY" is standing infront of them and other 5 Marvel's except Jungkook were protecting him cause they were his guardian..

To be continued....


Hey Lovelies new chapter is up do read,vote and comment..

One more thing HYBE you aren't welcome on wattpad😠🤮..

Love Saddy 💜

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