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(Author's pov)..

Jungkook was lost and broken,he wasn't able to digest the fact,that taehyung asked him for a break,in jungkook's opinion he wasn't at fault and in taehyung's opinion he was right,they both were wrong for  misunderstanding things and also for not clearing them ,but reality is  both lover's were just trying to protect eachother..


(Inside jungkook's dorm)

He asked for a break,how could he do this with me,i was just trying to protect him from enemies,he took me all wrong,my baby asked for a break , what will i do without him?!(jungkook spoke to joon and yoonseok

Jungkook calm down,he asked for a break not a break-up,he needs time jungkook he is going through lot's of shits right now, you have to understand him!( Namjoon spoke..

But we could have go through this together,i would love to be there for him , fighting for him!.(jungkook spoke..

That's the thing he doesn't want jungkook,he needs your support ,not you fighting for him when he is capable himself,your intention weren't wrong but the way you spoke it looks like you were against taehyung and supporting soyung,he is not weak he can protect himself,he just want you for mental support!.(hobi spoke this time..

I know he can fight for himself,but answer me please,does me caring for him is wrong thing,me want to protect him with all i have is wrong thing?(Jungkook asked desperately

No jungkook you have right to think for his welfare,we all will do the same for those whom we love, but your way of presenting is wrong,you could have make him understand when you both were alone, speaking that he doesn't know how to use his powers infront of soyung is quite harsh and not forget to add how dean was scolding him,analyse both aspects kook!!(yoongi explain his point to Jungkook..

I don't wanna stay away from him, p le ase, h hel p, m ee!(murmuring this jungkook started to cry like a child..

Shh shh calm down kook, give him sometime ,he also can't stand being away from you?!(hobi hugged Jungkook trying to calm him..

P pr o mise!.(Jungkook asked like a innocent kid making other 3 heart melt..

Promise jungkook promise!.(hobi replied..


(On the other hand)..

Taehyung he can't hate you,he love you so much to do that, please stop crying!.(jin console a crying taehyung...

B but ,h e, wa s ,cr crying,b beca use ,o of m me!.(taehyung spoke sniffing..

Taetae he can't afford to stay away from you that's why he was crying!.(jimin explained to tae..

But he was caring for me,nd i talked rudely to him,he didn't even talk back,he kept listening to my shits,i am bad really bad, soyung is right I don't deserve him!.(taehyung spoke after calming down.

No she isn't right, that bitch is the reason for your fight with kook,she feeds lies inside your head,she is trying to increase your insecurities tae don't let her succeed!.(jimin spoke sternly..

Yes jimin is right tae, please see from kook side also ,he didn't supported soyung that time he was thinking for your good only,he wants you to be safe in that battle!.(jin joined jimin..

He ,wo n't, f fo r gi ve, me!!(speaking this taehyung started to cry once again..

Don't cry tae,leave everything on time, time will heal your relationship!.(jimin spoke..

I wann see him now,like right now, otherwise i won't be able to sleep peacefully,i need to earn his Forgiveness!.(taehyung started to panick..

Calm down tae it's already midnight,you can talk to him in morning!(jin tried to make taehyung understand..

No no you guys aren't getting my point,i need my koo now,i am going,,!( saying this taehyung walked out of dorm bare feet, following hin jin and jimin to ran after him..


Same scenario was going on with jungkook he too speaking that ,he wanna meet taehyung walked out of the dorm,and other 3 followed him..

Taehyung was coming from left side and Jungkook from right side,not even a minute had passed they both were infront of eachothers lil far away though,tae on his corner and kook on his,but thing that was common between both was that,they were looking like mess,eyes puffy,nose red and running, cheek full of tear stain,first love duh first love and also first big fight..

Jungkook seeing taehyung open his arms for taehyung and taehyung without wasting anytime ran towards his kook, launching himself on his lover's secured arm's..

I m sorry koo,i a m s sorr y,f fo rg ive m e pl ea se,i b e g u!.(taehyung cries loudly in his lover's arm

Shhh my love , calm down everything is fine,you me our love, everything, you didn't do anything,then why are you asking for Forgiveness,give me a reply but before calm yourself first!.(jungkook spoke gently wiping taehyung tear's..

After sniffing for few minutes, taehyung finaly calm himself..

I m sorry for being harsh on you, everytime you were thinking for my good and what did i do,i blamed you,i m so bad, I don't deserve you,but i am selfish i won't let you go, cause i can't live without you!!(taehyung spoke his heart out for jungkook..

Then hide me in your embrace my love,do n't ever, t ta lk ,of l e tt ing me g o,i w ill d ie b baby!!(this time jungkook broke down infront of taehyung showing his vulnerable side to his love..

I m sorry koo, don't cry I won't ever talk about it,you are my safe place, my home, where else would i go,i will come back to you always!.(taehyung spoke lovingly..

I love you so much baby!.(jungkook exclaimed..

I love you more than love!!(taehyung replied attacking jungkook with a passionate kiss,which jungkook gladly accept..

Look at them being lovey dovey again, it's not been a day they fight and are on verge of breaking up!(yoongi scoffed..

Why are you jealous my cat?(jimin asked yoongi who joined his lover in middle of taekook talking with eachother.

I m not jealous,i wasted my precious sleep ,for no reason!(Yoongi replied..

But yeah i am happy for them!(yoongi added to which other nod happily, gazing at beautiful couple who were giggling with eachother..

Taekook were happy ,cause taekook were HOME again 💜💜💜..

To be continued...


Hey Lovelies new update, vote and comments are needed..! sorry for my mistakes..

Ahhh i really can't stand angst, but real angst is about to come soon😔😔..

Love Saddy 💜

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