Chapter thirteen

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Louis's POV

After about an hour a surgeon came in and said "the surgery went fine and you can now go see her"

I almost yelled of joy but in stead I zoomed off to her room.


Ally's POV

Louis came rushing into my room and sat down in the chair next to me.

"Hi Louis" I said like nothing happened.

"Ally don't ever do that to me again" he said seriously "now lets go get some carrots" I cracked up and got out of bed.

"Let's go see when I'm allowed outta this place" I said.

So we went to the reception "um it is me Alessia Malik when am I allowed out of this place" I asked

"Tomorrow if you don't get another problem with your lungs" she said. I smiled and walked off.


The next day.

"FINALLY OUTTA THIS PLACE" I yelled and ran out in my yellow jeans, black wooly t-shirt, and my baby blue converse.

And then Louis caught up to me and twirled me around and said "never runaway from the carrot master from Doncaster " and started kissing me before I got the chance to laugh.

"Ally will you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously and then he blushed,

"Yes" I said.

Soon after that we were running away from fan girls.

When we finally got home we both plumped onto the sofa.

"Oh god" Louis said


"The fans know where we live"

"Oh well fuck it its not there life to worry about its there own if they want to be crazy stalkers then let them be so unless you want to be with a crazy stalker than they have no chance and they have a definite no chance with anyone if they are stalkers" I said

"Thanks Al"

"Don't mention it"


Harry's POV


Harry can not sing he is an ugly bitch who thinks he's the best


I feel sorry for Louis he has a "bromance" with Harry no wander he's bean dumped by girls so many times

I couldn't take it.

I got a piece of rope hung it to the ceiling got a chair stood up put the rope around my neck was and I was about to jump when "HARRY EDWARD STYLES WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING Harry get down now" Niall yelled he came up and lifted me off the chair

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