Chapter 10

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A/N sorry for the short chappies I will try to make this one longer (chapter 8 and 9 were made at 2:00 am) NOT TIRED

Most the time it's gonna be Ally's POV so if I start a new chapter and it says nothing it means its Ally's POV


"Louis could you please leave the room for a minute" Zayn said clearly annoyed. Louis nodded quickly and left.

"If you be fucking smart you again would want to be shitting yourself " he said and punched me in the belly. Oh did I forget to mention that I have broken ribs so that fucking killed.

Louis ran in and I acted like nothing happened although i am in so much pain.

But Louis obviously saw that I am in pain

"you ok"

"Yeah I just leaned on my broken ribs" I lied oh I can't lie anymore but if I tell him I will die.

I sighed.

"Lou is it okay if I go to sleep I'm getting tired" I asked

"Yeah sure babe I don't mind".

It was then I fell into a deep pit of unconsciousness.

"Louis I'm being abused by

Zayn" I said finally letting it off my chest

"And you didn't fucking tell me" he said angrily

"B b b but he said he would hurt me if I told anyone"

"If you fucking told me earlier I could have fucking fixed it"

"I'm sorry I didn't know what to do"

"Your a bitch like the rest of them" he said then stormed off.

I started crying "YOU FUCKING TOLD HIM" Zayn yelled and got a pocket knife out of his pocket. He chased me up stairs and my room seemed to be getting more and mor further away "just give it up bitch."

I ran into the corner and all the boys started laughing at me I cried and cried "ALLY ALLY ALLY ALLY" Louis yelled and I woke up.

"Your crying what's the matter" he asked wiping a tear off with his thumb.

"Nightmare" I said

"Do ya wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head.

"Okay now go back to sleep" he said and started singing moments to me.


Harry's POV

Every ones being ignoring me lately.

Well they can't help it I am just being emotionless.

I scrolled through all the hate on twitter about me


Harry Styles is a piece of shit thrown on the floor wrapped up with crap


Who likes Harry Styles he's just a bitch who needs a job. He can't sing they made a special auto tuner bar so they can block out his horrid singing

I can't stand it I don't understand what did I ever do to them

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