Chapter 18

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Evelyn's POV
So I renewed my membership at the gym I used to workout at, but only because Amara offered to pay it for me. Of course, I refused the first three times, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. So I ended up just giving in.

Sliding the sixty pound weights onto the pole, I laid down and began to bench press. I was doing well for the first ten reps, but started to falter by the eleventh.

I thought I was going to die with how close the weight was to crushing my windpipe. But then somebody grabbed it, lifting the weight effortlessly with one hand.

"Thank you," I said, my eyes trailing up to meet a familiar set of deep blue eyes. "Cesare?"

I jolted up out of the seat, stepping away from him. I was not expecting to see him here. I thought the chance of us running into each other like this would be unlikely since I had my schedule changed around. I guess I was wrong.

"You look good, amore(love)." His eyes devoured my body as if I weren't currently clothed in a bright yellow training bra and matching leggings.

His gaze felt hot, like he'd somehow managed to melt off my clothing with his eyes. I had to look down to make sure I was still fully clothed.

He tilted his head slightly, focused on my chest. "You pierced your nipples," he commented with a lick of his lips. "I like it."

My body had betrayed me. There wasn't a single drop of cold air in this building, which meant that my erect nipples had everything to do with Cesare looking like he wanted to tear my clothes off and fuck me in the middle of this gym.

Or maybe I was the one looking at him that way. I don't know. But either way, the heat was beginning to become overwhelming, my brain turning to mush from the sinister thoughts that had invaded my mind.


"Hm?" I blinked at him, the thoughts in my mind fading away like a puff of smoke. He smirked, knowing exactly what I had been thinking about. "Shut up," I muttered, my cheeks as red as a rose.

The smirk playing on his lips only grew, reaching his eyes. "Well, I better get going."

"Wait, why? Didn't you just get here?"

He raised a brow, the tone in my voice so filled with desperation that if I had attempted to explain myself, then I would've just sounded stupid and embarrassed myself.

"I've been here for almost five hours now. I rented out my own space, so that you wouldn't have to work so hard to try and avoid me."

"So what are you-"

"I wanted to see you," he admitted with a blush, his voice lower and softer than a minute ago.

"Oh," was all I could say.

Which I know was dumb, but I didn't know how to respond to that. I was flattered obviously, but I didn't want him misinterpreting what I say into thinking I wanted to fuck him again.

I mean I do, but still. I'm in a better place now and don't want to ruin that just because I miss our fuck-buddy sessions.

"I'm going to go shower and then head out. If you need me, then just give me a ring, yeah?" He turned, but then paused to look back at me. "You still have my number, right?"

The fear in his eyes made him look so boyishly adorable that it took me a second to respond. "Yeah, I do."

He sighed, relieved to know that I hadn't completely cut him out of my life. "Good girl."

When he left I couldn't focus on anything else. I tried getting back to my workout, but my mind just kept floating back to him not only fucking me, but all the times he's helped me come out of my shell.

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