Chapter 31

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Marcellius had Aloi and a few of his other men up all night trying to track down Genevieve, but came up empty handed.

So the next morning, while Marcellius and his men worked hard to find Genevieve, I focused on holding Cesare close to me.

He had been throwing up all night. And because of that, he'd barely gotten any sleep. A soft knock on Cesare's bedroom door pulled me away from him so I could answer it.

Mama Fierri stood on the other side of the door with a cup of tea in her frail hands. "How's my ragazzino(baby boy) doing?"

"Better than last night." I stepped aside, allowing her entrance. "He's still asleep."

I looked over at him still curled up in a ball and sleeping peacefully. It took a lot to get him to fall asleep, which is why I haven't made an attempt to wake him up just yet. He needs the rest.

She walked over to his nightstand and set the dark blue mug down. "Thank you for taking my daughter to school today by the way."

She smiled. "Of course dear. Rylee is just as much my grandbaby as all my other grandchildren."

It warmed my heart to hear her say that. Rylee's never felt more welcome than she does here. She fits in really well, and has grown to like having Cesare around. They even have this secret handshake they came up with and it's the cutest little thing.

"Amore(love)?" Cesare groaned, stirring awake. Mama Fierri and I looked over at him as he slowly sat up and yawned.

Eyeing the cup of tea his mother made for him, he picked it up and took a small sip of the piping hot drink. Swallowing, he set the cup back down and looked at the two of us. "Grazie, ma(thank you, ma)."

She tipped her head in acknowledgement. "Nessun problema. Qualsiasi cosa per il mio bambino(No problem. Anything for my baby boy)."

"How are you feeling?" I asked when his eyes flickered to me.

"Better, thank you."

"I made some Ciambella. Would you like me to grab you a slice?" Mama Fierri asked her son, hopeful that he'd return to his normal appetite. But he shook his head, declining his mother's offer to in which she slumped her shoulders in disappointment.

"I'm going to get him in the shower and then afterwards, I'll try to get him to eat."

"Grazie(Thank you)," she murmured. "Hopefully, you'll turn out more successful than I."

I nodded, watching her take her leave in such a defeated manner. It was unlike Cesare to ever turn down food, especially when it was made by his mother.

Crossing the carpeted room, I sat down on the edge of the bed and waited for Cesare to finish his tea.

Another knock sounded at the door by the time he had finished. Standing up, I walked back over to the door and opened it for Marcellius, who waltzed in with a concern only a father could have.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His question came out forceful in angry, to which he sighed and softened his tone. "Nic told me, C."

"I figured he would." I didn't exactly know what was going on, so I was going to leave so they could talk in private. But Cesare begged me to stay. "Don't leave me," he pleaded softly.

I just nodded, stood in the corner and waited for him and Marcellius to finish their conversation.

Marcellius sat down and pulled his brother's head into his chest and held him similar to the way Niccolo had last night. "Cazzo(fuck)," he muttered angrily as he began stroking the back of Cesare's head. "I should've been there for you."

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