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What is this sorcery?
The more I try to put distance between Jungwon and me, the more he tries to get closer. He keeps asking me out, borrowing things from me, offering me random stuff. This is misleading!

My little heart can't take it. In another timeline, I would have been happy about all this. But I'm still recovering from my heartbreak, I can't get my hopes up again so soon.

But even if he doesn't realize it, he really isn't making things easy for me.
I thought I'd try to get over him by dating someone else, but while I was talking with this girl, he suddenly appeared, grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go.

He was speaking loud on purpose, so the girl would be turned off and would disinterest herself from me! What kind of friend does this?

I can pardon almost anything from Jungwon, but him trying to ruin my chances for fun is high-key disrespectful!

I need to have a word with him.

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