So, I was actually the villain

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"Listen Jungwon, I don't need you to force yourself to do things you're not comfortable with just for my sake, ok? You shouldn't listen to others when they don't know what they're talking about.
I can't believe you'd even consider my feelings to be so fragile!"

And then, as I was comforting myself in the idea that I wasn't the one responsible for Jungwon's tears and was secretly rejoicing, Jungwon shot a bullet right through my heart:

"How could I not believe them, thought?! You're always so hard to read!
It always feels like you are forcing yourself when we're together and I always feel like I'm the only one who's flustered over our relationship and the only one getting excited!
I'm like an idiot, overthinking everything, when you probably see this as just a fling!"

Pardon? Just a fling?!

I do work hard on not letting my obsessive feelings show too much, but I never realized I was too good at it.

But Jungwon did not stop there:

"When we first held hands, I thought you looked cool, putting me at ease and reassuring me. But now, I realize I must've looked stupid to you! None of this is your first time!
I'm probably nothing special to you!"

And that's on too much.

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