Chapter One

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Okay so um all rights reserved, don't steal my idea and plz make something original because no one likes a copy cat :)

also I s2g this story gets better if you can make it through chapter 9

"Can you hang out today?"

I really wasn't sure why I bothered. I knew the answer. But for the dumbest reason, I kept asking him.

"Sorry Ari, I can't. I-" Shaking my head, I cut Shawn off.

"Nevermind, I don't know why I asked." It was true. I really had no idea why I asked him. Shawn was always busy, learning chords to the guitar, or doing other music related stuff. I hated it. Shawn put his headphones in, then continuing to walk home. He was walking to the beat of whatever song he was listen to, which apparently was really fast. I pick up the pace, my book-bag getting heavier by the second. That's when I remembered what was in there.

"Oh, Shawn, I forgot to get you something." I take off my backpack and set it down as he stands there, kneeling to get the invitation to my fourteenth birthday party. It was strange Shawn didn't mention my party in the first place, him always on top of things. As I grasp the envelope and get up to hand it to Shawn, I saw him 10 feet away, continuing to walk away from me.

He didn't even wait.

I stand there in awe for a moment, fighting back the tears that wanted to pour down my face so badly. The invitation that was now in my hand felt heavy, and I realize the only way to lighten it is by smashing it into a ball and throwing it onto the ground. I then grasp my backpack tightly and swing it onto my back, then storming to my house. When I walk into my room, I throw my book-bag onto the floor like always, and sit down on my bed, taking a deep breath.

That's when it hit me.

I had lost my best, and only friend. And he didn't even seem upset about it.

It was obvious this whole time he was pushing me away, ignoring me. Shawn had a bunch of other, more popular friends at school, while I hung out with only him.

I was a tool.

So the next day when I woke up, instead of grabbing my usual, boring clothes that made me blend in, I grab the most attractive clothes possible without breaking the school dress code. Because everyone knows "attractive" these days means "the least amount of clothes possible". I then brush and straighten my light brown hair, applying make-up that makes me look like I came out of a Vogue magazine.

Which is what people want, right?

I hear a knock on my door and stare at myself one more time before answering. I looked different. Specifically, more fake. As if I was some Barbie doll.

I hated the look.

But to get liked, you have to change. The "be yourself" thing really doesn't work at my school.

I open the door to my mother, still in her pajamas.

"Honey, b- Woh..." Mom's eyes were wide open, her jaw dropped. Obviously she didn't know what three years of "Beauty Camp" could do to you.

I smile at her response and she shakes her head. "You look.. different. Anyways, breakfast is ready. You'd better go quick if you want to catch up to Shawn."

As if. "No, I think I'll walk by myself today." Mom's reaction is surprised, but no more than what she already was. I smile at her and walk downstairs, grabbing a pair of Converse and slipping them on before washing my hands and eating breakfast.

"Arabella, Are you okay?" I hear, and turn to look at my concerned mother. She used my actual name too, which usually meant she was extremely concerned.I shake my head and give her the fakest smile possible.

"I couldn't be better."

On that note, I get up, wash my plate, grab my backpack and head out, saying goodbye to Mom.

As I walked out, I saw Shawn in the distance, on his way to school. He used to come by daily and ask if I was ready, so we could walk. Now, he barely spares a glance. I think of walking in his direction, but I see him stop to pick something up. I squint, trying to see what was in his hands, and gasp when I realized what it was.

His invitation.

Normally, I would rush up to him, hug him and beg for forgiveness. But that was the old me. This me couldn't care less.

I walk off of my driveway and walk the opposite direction of the cul-de-sac without a second thought.

That was when I finally decided I didn't want to be the real, actual me.

And I planned on staying cold. No one ever treated me with disrespect, and the only person that could call me Ari was my mother. To everyone else. I was Belle, or Bella to my friends.

I removed any trace of Shawn.

Photos of us together? Stuffed deep into the attic. No one entered the attic. Stuff he owned? I returned it.

Shawn couldn't care less too. He stayed out of my life, I stayed out of his. We were best friends and now we didn't even know how to greet each other. Of course, I still spoke to the Mendes family. Why wouldn't I?

Although when Shawn joined some idiotic group of boys that only bursted to fame because of an app, and got a record deal, well that's when things went slightly down. His parents didn't know about Shawn and I yet. His sister found out somehow, so she kept her mouth shut. But every time they came over, it was "I'm so proud of Shawn!" hour.

I hated it.

Then again, what don't I hate these days?

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