Chapter Twenty-One

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Ok so if I wrote another Shawn fanfic (that wasn't Café, Arcade, or Hotel Midnight) would you guys read it?

"Alright, so once you find out what his biggest fear is, then you know exactly what's going on. Any ideas?" April demanded me to tell her everything that happened last night, and I obliged. However, I left out what his biggest fear was, and I'm not sure why.

"No idea. Maybe it's heights?" April gives me a confused looks and shakes her head.

"Maybe your cold got into your brain and froze everything because you two kind of had a treehouse and went in there daily. Even I'm kind of scared of how high it is." She tells me, and all I can give her is a shrug.

April starts pacing around the room and I start to wonder how much Criminal Minds and Agent Carter she's been watching all summer.

"Maybe it's something deep, like loosing all his loved ones. Shawn doesn't seem like the type of person scared of spiders."

"Well, you know what they say? Everything is not what it seems."

"Arabella Stone I swear on everything if you quote Wizards Of Waverly Place in front of me one more time then you can just start planning for your funeral." April tells me, her eyes pressed shut.

"Alright, I get it. By the way, have you gotten your dress yet?" I ask, changing the topic, and she looks at me as if I was mental.

"Are you kidding me? Um, no, you idiot. We're going to shop together because that's what best friends do." She says slowly, as if I was mentally incapable of understanding it.

I recall back to this morning when April came over, telling me she had back news. It turns out that no, her cat didn't eat a sock, but instead she was going with Isaac to The Summer Dance, which meant that we weren't going as best friends.

Believe me, that made it a lot easier for me to give the news that I was going with Shawn.

"So,  do you want to go at around two? I asked everyone and they said they were all wearing knee length dresses. The only thing 'masquerade' about their outfit was the mask that covered their eyes. So we can either pick something from my sister's closet, or go buy something." April interrupts me from my thoughts, and I realize that since I had barely any money I was going to have to go with plan A.

"Let's raid Katie's closet." I finally say, and she nods. Katie was currently at college in Florida, and left behind all of her beautiful dresses. April and I were the same size as Katie, so it wasn't hard to fit into her dresses.

We walk over to her house and I greet April's mom before walking upstairs with my best friend. We enter Katie's room and I see their family cat sleeping on top of the bed. April rushes over to the walk-in closet and sprints inside, ready to explore a world of outfits.

"I call this one." April yells, pulling out a breathtaking ruby dress. I nod, wishing I had found it before she did. We begin to search for my dress, but every one we pull out was either too short, too long, the wrong color, or way too fancy.

"Oh well, we can go to the mall later." I say, although I knew I was probably going to have to find a dress in my closet I haven't worn in a while.

As I begin to walk out April yells in joy. "Arabella Stone look!" I turn around to see her holding an absolutely stunning blue dress, and it was perfect. I rush over and hug her, squeezing the air out of my poor friend's lungs.

Knowing that my happiness can sometimes be a little too much, (ba dum pshh ok im done) I let go, and April takes a deep breath in, trying to get back the air she just lost.

"You know what we need to do, in celebration of finding the perfect dresses?" April asks, and I look at her questioningly, waiting for her to continue.

"We need to play a round of Skate-Shot."

Skate-Shot was a game that April and I made in sixth grade, and was like hockey with roller-skates. However if you missed a goal, the other person would ask you a question, and no matter how embarrassing it was, you had to answer.

I start to think for a while before nodding my head and laying the dress down on the table in Katie's room.

"Game on."

Are you kidding me? Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. That's disgusting." I say laughing, and April shrugs, twirling the hockey stick in her hands.

"Yeah, well, everyone believed it, and that garbage bag never spoke to me again." April had just confessed to being the reason Sarah got suspended in freshman year and I had no idea until now. My friend was a pretty scary person, and you want to get on her good side if you want anything in life. Sadly, I'm the nice cop in our duo, and my truths aren't as shocking hers, because I've never put a frog in my teacher's drink and blamed it on someone else.

"Okay, shoot." April says, and I nod, swinging the hockey stick towards the puck and praying it doesn't break something in April's basement, but instead goes into the goal. My wish is granted when nothing is damaged except April's ego, and being to do a victory dance.

"How are you so good?" She asks, and I shrug, because I truly didn't know.

"I guess you could say that I can lift the weight." I reply, making her cringe. (lmao see you thought they were gone but you thought wrong.)

"Really?" She says, amused.

"Yeah, do I gotta show you?" I ask, and I'm almost positive that I saw her roll her eyes on that one.

"If you don't shut up with those jokes, you'll be needing stitches." April finally joins in and I grin, thinking about my next terrible joke.

"At least in the hospital I'll never be alone." I have to admit, these jokes were getting out hand. But they were ticking off April, so I continued.

"Stop, or else I'll choke you and you won't have any air left." I'm not exactly sure how April was taking such a violent approach to Shawn's songs, but I was slightly impressed.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, April, but you're starting to sound a little crazy if you ask me." I can't help but laugh at the look she gives me, but before she ruin another one of Shawn's songs, her mom walks downstairs and looks at both of us before saying:

"Alright guys, have no fear, because The Life Of The Party. Is here."

This is why I loved April's mom.

"Bella, hon, are you staying for dinner tonight?" She asks, and I shrug.

"I'll have to ask my mom and see if it'll be One of Those Nights." I say, and as I pull out my phone I hear April groan, obviously tired from these terrible puns.

But honestly, if This Is What It Takes to break the unbreakable April Baker then sign me up.

I would personally like to apologize for the puns you just read

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