Chapter Twenty-Three

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I didn't speak to April or Shawn for days. Shawn retrieved his phone and I gave it to him, but after that I told him to leave and shut the door behind him.

Believe me, a life without those two is boring as ever. But after what April said about me, and the fact that Shawn pretends to like me was too much to handle, so I shut both of them out of my life. And don't start with that oh, maybe it wasn't you bull, because Shawn has know me since pre-school.

The signs were too obvious.

April texted and called a bunch of times. I had to shut off my phone because of all the notifications I was getting due to her messages. Shawn texted a few times, asking if I was okay, but I ignored each and every one of their messages.

Instead, I stayed inside my room and wrote all my emotions into my songbook. I wrote multiple songs, which is pretty unusual coming from me. The only time I came outside was to get into my car, drive to Starbucks, and go back inside. Even my mom noticed something was going on, but I shrugged her off, saying everything was fine.

It wasn't.

But that didn't matter, because as long as I had my caramel lattes I was going to do good enough to pass by. And on the day before The Summer Dance I realized that I wouldn't be going at all, because I didn't have my best friend nor Shawn.

That day though, as I walked into my car and drove without the radio on, I felt strange, and began to slow down. After calming myself and saying that I was just being a paranoid girl I continue to drive at the speed limit, and make it to Starbucks. I pull down the mirror to see if my mascara was screwed up, because I rubbed my eyes, I notice someone in the back of the car and can't help but scream.

"We need to talk." I turn my head around to face the only and only April Baker, who thinks it's just fine to go into someone's car and watch them drive in silence.

"You gave me a heart attack, you bi-"

"Yeah, I try my best." April says, cutting me off. "Anyhow, the real thing we should be talking about is why you're ignoring me, and all of my texts."

"If it makes you feel better, I'm ignoring Shawn too." I say, and I watch as she rolls her eyes.

"Okay, but why are you ignoring me. Your best friend, your ride for, your die for."

"I don't know, why don't you ask Shawn?" I say, and she groans.

"I did, and he doesn't know either! So if you would be so kind to tell me, and I can report it back to the fan club as soon as possible."

"Seriously?" I ask, my anger level rising. "You kind of called me a witch behind my back. And then I find out that Shawn hates me, so go figure."

April's face expression is confused and shocked, before all emotion leaves her face and she looks me straight in the eyes.

"The text messages? We were talking about Jane."


I repeat my thoughts out loud, and April smirks, nodding her head. "Yeah. So I'm going to tell Shawn that you were on your period, and he won't ask anymore questions."

"This is why I love you April." I say, and wrap her in a hug. Neither of us minded how uncomfortable it was, and finally we let go of each other. April claps her hands, a smile on her face.

"Now let's go get something to drink, because I didn't break into your car for nothing."


When I see Shawn again he gives me a smile, and I know that April told him. I walk over to his driveway, where he was currently drawing with chalk. I watch as he draws a muffin, then sitting beside him.

Silently, I reach for a piece of chalk and draw a girl with yellow hair and a smile, then writing 'ARI' on top of her. Shawn does the same, except the chalk drawing next to mine is a picture of him, with the word 'SHAWN' at the top, leveled with my name. I start to draw clouds and watch as he draws a big, yellow sun, causing me to smile a little. We draw grass and a swing set, along with birds, and color the background blue. When we finish I can't help but high five Shawn, my hand covered with chalk. I look at the masterpiece we created and smile at the boy and girl in the picture, standing right beside each other. Before I can praise our drawing, Aaliyah comes outside and gives me a peace sign before walking over.

She then stares at the drawing for a moment before shrugging. "It needs one more thing, but I can't add it without a red chalk." She tells us. Shawn says that he saw one in he box, and she begins to dig through it. Apparently she doesn't find the chalk because she stops searching, empty handed.

"Wait, there's one in my room, can one of you get it?" She says, and Shawn and I both rise at the same time. However, we take this as a competition, and before you know it we're sprinting into the house, towards Aaliyah's room. We check everywhere but can't find it, causing us both to groan. Saddened, we both walk downstairs and over to the driveway to tell Aaliyah that we couldn't find it, but when we get there, she's no where to be seen. Instead, I notice red in our drawing and walk over to see a new piece to our artwork.

Shawn and I's hands are connected together, and there's a red heart surrounding us. I feel more than embarrassed when I see it, and brace myself for when Shawn walks over and sees it as well. However he doesn't get the chance to, because his mom calls him in for lunch, and he waves goodbye, walking back inside his home.

A few minutes later it begins to rain, removing every bit of the chalk that was drawn onto Shawn's driveway.

And as the portrait of us washes away, I can't help but feel mixed emotions on whether I wanted it to stay or not.

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