Chapter Seventeen

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"Weren't you guys here about a week ago?"

"Yeah, and now we're back again." I say, smiling at the worker. Shawn looks back at me and raises his eyebrows, looking like he didn't expect that to come out of my mouth.

"Two medium hot fudge sundaes please." Shawn says kindly, and I wait for the guy to tell us the total before pulling out my wallet. However by the time I get out my money Shawn is handing a ten dollar bill to the employee, and I groan.

"I'm paying for the next thing." I tell him, and he shakes his head. I watch as he receives his money back and puts the spare change in a jar for Nationwide Children's Hospital, then stuffing the bills in his pocket. While we wait for our ice cream I stare at Shawn with a small smile until he turns around to face me.

"What?" He asks, and I shrug.

"How are you such a nice person? Like, you're always doing such kind things without even thinking about it."

"It was just spare change." He says, acting as if it was no big deal.

"I wouldn't have even noticed that jar. And it's not just that. Being a nice person is your second natural, and it's pretty adorable."

"Did you just call me adorable?" Shawn says teasingly. Our sundaes are ready and as I walk over to grab them I shrug at Shawn and give him a smile.

"I'm not saying you aren't."

When I come back with the sundaes, Shawn is waiting at the booth I always sit at, and I smile, placing his ice cream in front of him.


"You bought it, don't thank me."

"I was talking to myself." I knew he wasn't,but that was still a pretty good comeback, so I wipe a fake tear.

"I'd probably be drowning in tears if this ice cream wasn't so good Shawn, I hope you know that."


I swat him playfully and he laughs, causing me to laugh as well. I remember the time where we were in his basement and he tickled me, but quickly pushed the thought out of my head, remembering after that happened, and how we almost kissed.

"What are you thinking about?" I snap out of my gaze and look into Shawn's curious eyes.


"You zoned out for a bit."

"Oh yeah, I was just thinking about, um, this ice cream." We smile at each other and he nods, eating another spoon of his.

"It's very tasty." He says, and I follow up with his description.

"And sweet."

"Not as sweet as you." As soon as Shawn says it his cheeks turn red, and although I could have changed the subject, I reply to the compliment, because he's done it to me multiple times.

"I like to think I'm sweet sometimes too. But you're sweeter, to be completely honest. It goes hand in hand with your kindness."

Instead of backing down, Shawn smirks. "You're full of compliments today, aren't you?"

"You've given more than I have. But that's because you're just a nice person in general."

"I'm not that nice." He says, and I raise my eyebrows at him. If anyone was nice, it was Shawn.

"Alright, from now on you aren't allowed to do anything nice until we get back home. Not one thing." I say, and he shrugs, as if it's no big deal.

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