𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 7 - 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑦

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Ymir was smirking, she was excited.You didnt knew,what you should do.You wanted to continue with Ymir.

But Yelena was also on your mind.She was all you could think about.But you also wanted Ymir.



"Yes Ymir, let's continue, where we stopped."You said with a smirk.

Ymir grabbed your wrists and pushed you to the wall. She started aggressively kissing you. You kissed her back.

Her lips weren't soft like Yelenas they were hard but also so enjoyable and inviting.

With each second you wanted to kiss her more and more. Her hand was reaching your left ass cheek and squishing it.

You left a little moan out of your mouth.

"That's what brings you to moan?"Ymir asked.

You looked ashamed in her eyes. Ymir started to laugh.

Ymir picked you up and throw you on the bed. You know what she was planning.

She wanted to fuck the shit out of you.
But there was Yelena...
You couldn't stop thinking about her.

Ymir was getting closer and pulling your pants down.

"Ymir I'm so sorry,I don't want to do this. I'm really sorry, I'm just not ready...
And im feeling uncomfortable.
I'm really really sorry."You said quietly.

"No I should be sorry,that I didn't recognise how you're feeling. I'm sorry, I didn't wanted to make you uncomfortable. Im sorry."Ymir ansewered.

Ymir took you and placed you on youre bed. She made you warm chocolate and bought you, your favourite sweets from the store next corner.

She was really trying to comfort you. You felt so bad. You feeling guilty, because you were kinda using her.

Also you felt bad about Yelena...

Ymir apologised a last time and went to bed. She was a really good person.

You also went to bed.
Sorry for the short ass chapter,atm Im really stressed bc school started...I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Give me feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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