Chapter Twenty-Seven *Bonus Chapter*

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*The day Alex stayed at Ryan's house while Noah was working*

                                                                                  Alex's P.O.V

     I checked my phone for what felt like the millionth time tonight hoping that it would be time for Noah to get out of work. When my brain finally registered the numbers on my phone screen, and the text from Noah, I realized I was running late. I stammered out some excuse that I can't even remember and rushed out of Ryan's house, heading for Noah's. I could feel how hot my face was and quickly blocked Damion's link because I would completely self-destruct if he asked what my blush was about.

My brain had this morning on repeat. It was as if I could still feel his body heat pressing me against the counter and hear his dominating voice in my ear. I felt myself harden and quickened my pace. There's no way I'm going to make it home before him like he told me to. I stripped and shifted, grabbing my clothes in my mouth and racing back to the house hoping he would get caught in traffic. Unfortunately for me, he did not.

"I thought I told you to be here when I got here." He stated dryly, standing arms crossed in the walkway.

I wanted to submit to him immediately, drop to my knees and apologize, to beg for a punishment. My wolf was practically begging me to do all of these things, but I held out.

I shifted back and looked at him from under my lashes. "I don't remember that. Besides, it's not that big of a deal."

The growl that rumbled in his chest had me locking my knees to keep them from trembling.

"You're playing with fire, Pup. If you're not careful you might get burned."

I drifted closer to him and practically plastered myself against his chest, "Maybe I want to get burned, Sir."

I could see the shift in his demeanor but before I had the chance to run, he threw me over his shoulder and landed a quick smack on my ass. I couldn't stop the squeal that escaped my lips. He quickly took me upstairs and into his room. With a quick boot from the back of his foot the door closed, and he promptly locked it. Then he unceremoniously dumped me onto my back, on the bed.

"Seriously Pup, we need to have a discussion before this goes further." He started.

"With all due respect Sir, I'm in the lifestyle as well. I know a dominant when I see one." I replied before he could continue.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "We're making a contract soon, obviously it will be permanent but I want there to be a safety net for you. It will also help me know your boundaries as well as your likes and dislikes."

"Understood, Sir."

"Good boy. We'll do a very light play scene tonight then. Safe words?"

I could feel the light blush spread across my cheeks.

Noah's P.O.V

The blush across his cheeks was absolutely adorable, but nothing will continue without an answer.

"I need an answer Pup." I made sure to keep my voice gentle but firm.

"P-Pitbull to slow down and C-Corgi to stop, Sir." He stuttered.

"Can I ask why those in particular?"

"Corgi's are my favorite type of dog so if I see one I stop what I'm doing to look at it."

I chuckled and gently connected our lips. I guided him in a soft kiss, putting barely any pressure, and that seemed to drive him crazy. He whimpered softly when I released his lips but quieted when my lips pressed to the underside of his jaw. I gently stripped him of his shirt. Once he was freed from the material, his hands tried to tangle in my hair, but I pinned them above his head with one of my own, my free hand tangling in his hair instead.

"Patience, Pup. You're going to need it tonight." I murmured in his ear.

He softly whimpered but settled beneath me, tilting his head in submission.

"Good boy," I breathed and began to trail kisses down the side of his neck, stopping near his collar bone to nip the soft skin there. He hummed softly in his throat, enjoying the attention. I made my way down his body, stopping here and there to torture some of his soft skin. His rather pale complexion allowed a beautiful red to be left behind from my attack.

He let out a soft hiss when I lazily trailed my tongue around his nipple, sucking on it gently to harden it. I switched to his other nipple and used my free hand to tease the newly hardened one. His hips bucked up against me and he whined loudly. I lifted my head and looked up at him, still hovering near his chest.

"What, Pup? Hmm? Does someone have sensitive nipples?" I teased.

"Sir, I-I" He stuttered.

"You?" I teased before attaching my lips to his nipple again.

"Ahh. Mmm. I can. Mmm. Ugh. Cum like this, Sir." He panted between moans.

"Oh, can you? I may have to try that another time." I mused as I kissed my way down his abdomen. I gently eased off his pants and underwear, letting them drop off the edge of the bed, onto the floor. The blush that coated his cheeks was perfect.

I moved my body back up, covering his smaller frame with my larger one, and pressed my leg between his. I reattached our lips and after a moment slid my tongue across his bottom one. He hummed in contentment and opened his mouth for me. After a few minutes of exploring his warm, delectable mouth he began to whimper. His hips jerked up, grinding his erection against my thigh. No doubt the leg of my pants would be wet with how much he was dripping.

When he began to writhe beneath me I decided I had teased him long enough. I slid down between his legs, took him into my mouth, and moaned at his divine taste. His hips bucked at the vibrations my moan had sent though his sensitive cock. I took him to the hilt and sucked for a moment, before I began to bob the length of his shaft. I had released his hands in favor of holding his hips to the mattress.

"Sir, can I please touch your hair?" He groaned out.

I released him long enough to give him permission, before taking him back in my mouth. His hands slid through my hair repeatedly as if he was afraid to grab onto the strands. I could tell he was beginning to get close and his hands finally found purchase in my hair.

"Can I please cum, Sir? Please, I don't think I can last much longer." He begged.

I didn't want to push him too hard this first time, so I once again released long enough to give him permission before returning to his aching cock. It only took a few more strong sucks to have him exploding with a sexy cry. I swallowed easily, cleaned his cock gently, and returned to the top of the bed where I pulled him against my chest. He clung to me as full body trembles racked his frame from the intense orgasm.

"Your turn," he slurred, reaching for the waist of my pants.

"Shh, Pup. It's alright. Not tonight. I'm okay. Just enjoy." I murmured softly.

He didn't fight me and instead wrapped himself around me in a vice grip. I alternated between gently stroking his back and twirling his soft curls around my fingers. I whispered praises until he finally drifted to sleep.  

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