Chapter Nine (Ryan's P.O.V.)

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     "It's time to eat, Hun." Henry murmured softly. "Come on little one. You can go back to sleep after you eat."

I whined softly and tucked my head into his neck trying to go back to sleep. He placed his arm firmly under my butt and his other hand gently on the back of my neck as he stood up.

"I know you're tired, Hun. Let's get some food into you." Henry said as he carried me into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and Maria brought over the bowl of chicken noodle soup with square crackers. I closed my eyes, laying against his chest. He bounced his legs under me.

"Come on, Hun. Eat a little for me and then you can nap. I promise." He murmured. I sleepily blinked and sat up. "That's a good boy. Open up."

I slowly opened my mouth as he began to feed me. When the bowl was finally empty, I was exhausted. Henry tucked me against his chest and stood heading back to the living room. He laid me across his lap and placed the paci back in my mouth. I fought to stay awake as I sucked on it, but he carded his fingers gently through my hair and within minutes I was asleep.

I woke later as I was placed down on my bed, a soft whimper escaping me. "Shh, shh, shh. You're okay. You can sleep." Henry cooed, covering me up and patting my head. "Go back to sleep, Hun. I'm going to leave your door cracked with the hall light on."

He pressed his lips to my forehead, adjusted the paci that had almost fallen from my lips, and left the room. Cracking the door and leaving the light on just as he said he would. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night incredibly cold. I grabbed the blanket to cover up more and found it wet. Quickly throwing the covers off of me I realized I had wet the bed. Whimpering softly and unsure of what to do I slowly got out of bed and waddled uncomfortably to their room. Turning the knob, I peeked inside but upon seeing them both asleep I turned around and headed to the bathroom instead. I stripped out of my wet clothes and put them in the sink, however that weird fuzzy feeling in my head and tummy made me incapable of taking a shower. Unsure of what else to do and not wishing to wake them, I climbed into the tub, curled on my side, and managed to go back to sleep.

"Ryan? Hun, where'd you go? Ryan knock on the wall or something sweetheart." Henry called out sounding slightly panicked. Still laying in the tub I knocked on the wall of the shower. He rushed in a moment later.

"Hun, what are you doing?" Henry questioned reaching for me. I curled tighter to myself, not wanting to get in trouble. "Baby, you're naked and shivering. Come here."

He grabbed a towel off the rack, picked me up, and swaddled me in it. Curling me into his chest he began to softly bounce me as he carried me back to my room.

"Hun what were you doing? You're freezing cold. How long were you laying there?" He asked, looking at me.

Pulling my arms out of the wrap I signed to him trying my best to explain the situation, then re-tucked my arms into the towel and leaned against him.

"Why didn't you come get us? Baby we would have helped you." He murmured carrying me over to my dresser and grabbing me new underwear and pajamas, then carried me back to the bathroom.

He set me on the counter and started the water, waiting till it was warm to plug the tub.

"Okay baby. Stay here while the water fills." He stated, while setting my clothes on the counter. "I'm going to go throw your sheets and blankets in the washer. I'll be right back."

He returned a few minutes later, checking the level of the tub and turning the water off. He removed the towel and placed me into the tub. Grabbing a cup from near the sink he began to pour water on me. I whined wanting out and to be held.

"Shh, you're okay. Just relax. We're gonna get you all cleaned up. Don't worry." He murmured as he began to scrub shampoo into my hair. I couldn't help but hum at the amazing feeling. I just loved my head rubbed and hair played with.

"Babe, is everything okay?" Maria asked, coming into the room startling me. I jumped slightly and whimpered tears filled my eyes.

"Yea, Love. Everything's just fine. Ryan wet the bed is all. Just getting him all cleaned up." Henry replied while rubbing my back.

Maria sat on the toilet seat next to us and yawned. "Did you have a nightmare sweetheart?"

I shrugged and looked down into the water fidgeting. "It's okay Ryan, we're not mad at you." She said, reaching out and rubbing my head.

I couldn't stop the purr in my throat at the feeling of her fingers running through my hair. Henry finished washing me and got me out, drying me off. After getting me dressed he picked me up and followed Maria to their bedroom.

"You can sleep in here with us sweetheart." Maria murmured, "It's all gonna be okay."

Tucked in bed between them with my body nuzzled against Henry and Maria playing with my hair, I was asleep in minutes.

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