Chapter Twenty-Eight (Ryan's P.O.V)

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     Meeting Zelos was fun. I wasn't scared of him in the least. In fact, I think he's cuddlier than Damion is. Being around people has gotten a lot easier with Damion around. I still get nervous and cling to my family or mate, but the fighting yesterday didn't bother me like I was expecting it to. I honestly want to go back over to the pack house. I had fun while I was there, and I liked meeting people that were important to Damion.

I hope he will take us back over there when he wakes up. I don't know why, but I am full of energy this morning and it is taking all of my will power to not squirm around and wake him up. I must have unconsciously been moving because his arm tightened around me with a groan.

"What has got you so excited this morning, Love?" He asked, his voice deeper from having just woken up. It was hot. I blushed at my own thoughts.

"Can we go back to the pack house?" I questioned.

I felt him stiffen, his arm tightening more around my midsection as he dragged me back against his chest.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded eagerly. "I'm okay. I promise. Nobody hurt me yesterday and I wasn't that scared. I knew you were there and that everything would be okay. I had fun meeting people and playing around too."

He made a soft hmm sound before closing his eyes. I hoped he was mind linking someone about us going over there.

"Let's get some food into you before anything else." He chuckled and climbed out of bed pulling me with him and setting me on my feet.

We had a good breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon. He made enough for Maria and Henry too, so we all sat at the table and ate together. After breakfast he confirmed that we could go back over to the pack house if I was sure that I wanted to. I was sure.

Maria came with us, but Henry had to go into work for some important meeting. I think Maria liked hanging out with Damion's mom anyway.

"I'll give you a tour of the pack house since there will not be as many people there as yesterday."

We showered, got dressed, and rode together in Maria's car over to the pack house. As I thought, Maria and Damion's mom started talking right away, heading to the kitchen with barely a glance in our direction. Damion chuckled but began giving me a tour of the house.

It was really fun to see Damion's old room and the places he used to hang out at like the game room, the theater room, and the indoor gym. I got reintroduced to some of the people yesterday and Alex even joined us on our tour with a little pout because Noah had gone to work. I couldn't stop my excitement when we passed the daycare center. Damion explained that some of the pack people had to go to work but their kids were too young to leave alone so others will watch their kids for them. He said "it takes a pack to raise a kid. We all work together."

The kids seemed excited to see me, so Damion and I hung around the daycare to play with them for a little bit. My stomach growled sometime later so we went to the kitchen to get some lunch. Our moms were still chatting but paused when they noticed us standing in the doorway.

"Is it lunch time already?" Maria asked. "My oh my. Where has the time gone?"

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. Who says 'my oh my'? Damion's mom told us to have a seat at the table while they made lunch. Lunch was simple, but still good. Grilled cheese and tomato soup. One of my favorites. After lunch we all went to the theater room to watch a movie. I have no idea what movie was put on because once I was cuddled up on Damion's lap, I fell asleep.

I woke up a few hours later to Damion's gentle murmurs. "That's it, Love. It's time to get up now. If you sleep any longer you won't go to bed tonight."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes sleepily. I knew he was right, it was time to get up. Maria and Damion's mom disappeared somewhere so Damion and I walked around some of the pack property. He showed me his favorite outdoor spots to hang out at and we got some ice cream. Alex left after his phone alarm went off. He said it was Noah saying he's on his way home from work so he went to meet him. Too bad he missed out on ice cream.

We played twenty questions while we ate our ice cream. I found out Damion's favorite color is purple, that he likes to do puzzles when he has the time, and that his favorite flowers are Lilies. I told him that my favorite color is red, I like to color and draw, and that my favorite flowers are Roses.

Henry and Maverick showed up for dinner which was some kind of pasta I don't know the name of. I liked it though. Not long after dinner we headed home because I had gotten sleepy. Damion cuddled with me until I fell asleep but had to leave me to go run patrols.

It was a really fun day, and I didn't accidentally go little once! I think I'm getting better at it. Maybe the world isn't as bad as I thought.

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