My Malachi, Ursula, Konstantin, and Fern

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Today, I remembered a story I wrote. Unfinished, just an unpolished one-note

that I bothered to have saved and rewritten.

Still incomplete, but I am smitten

with YA and fantasy, other galaxies and worlds,

so I created my own universe with my own mediocre words.

At first, a thought and then, a character

A plot, an enemy, and then a savior

Wrote samples of dialogues and personality traits

An arc, the adventure, and the darkness that awaits

Still, I am not satisfied with the incompetence my writing conjures.

So I save it and leave it waiting until I can assure,

When I get past this barricade and exceed what I lack,

I can be deserving when I come back;

To write the magic I've always wanted

To have finished and have created.

Then days go by, a week, two months . . .

I remember I wrote a fictional world once!

The excitement in me couldn't settle

Until I realized . . . I forgot the title.

I went through every file I could find. Downloaded applications that were strange but were the kind

to retrieve lost things 

but mine lost souls and beings I tossed

In the back of my mind

For a very long time.


Fern, my sweet dreamer

With eyes of dancing lights

You truly deserved more

Than that world's dumb lore

Eula and Kai, bound together

Always in a fight

I don't know how your story ends

But at least get along and try to be friends

Kon, my loyal adventurer

Always by the side

Of the star and its tail and its fire

Will you ever meet the world you desire?


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