Chapter Five: Sleeping Decisions

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It was the boys' turn to film. As per their tradition, they always filmed hide and seek when they move to a new house, and so they decided that one room was off limits. This was the master bedroom, the one that Oliver and Lexi shared.

All the girls were scattered around the room, mostly all laying on the bed when Angel spoke up about something that had been on her mind all day.

"Hey guys." Angel got their attention as they were all watching tv on the bed.

"What's up Angel?" Alex asked.

"Do all your rooms have queen sized beds like this?" Angel asked, patting the bed they were all laying on.

All of them answered in some form of yes, mostly through groans.

"Why?" Leah asked with a smirk as she poked her friend. "You nervous you have to share a bed with an attractive male?"

Angel looked down. Of course she was nervous, she hadn't been in a relationship where she felt comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed.

"You are not sharing the bed with Sebastian!" Rosie exclaimed, shouting at her sister.

"Where else are we going to sleep?!" Leah responded. "Our room is kind of small, there's no room for either of us to sleep on the floor."

"One of you sleeps on the couch then." Rosie responded.

Leah just rolled her eyes, not wanting to argue with her sister and moved on.

"Tell Ryan to do that." Nova said. "I'm sure he'll be respectful enough to let you have the bed."

Everyone heard a scoff come from Lexi. "I doubt it."

"What about you, Lex?" Angel asked her. "You and Oliver can't even stand each other. How are you going to share the same bed?"

"We're not." Lexi said. "I get the bed and that's that."

"Good luck getting him to listen." Alex mumbled under her breath.

"Oh yeah?!" Lexi said. "And what about you and Mr. Pretty Boy going to do?"

"We'll just share the bed." Alex shrugged. "I used to share a bed all the time with my brothers."

Alex grew up with six brothers and only three bedrooms so she either had to share a bed with a brother or sleep on the floor.

"But these guys are different." Angel mumbled. "They aren't siblings."

Alex just shrugged. She didn't see a difference. Most of the girls had their own thoughts about what to do. Angel, however, had none...


That night...

Angel was getting ready for bed. She showered, did her skin care routine, and walked into her room only to find Ryan laying on the bed on his phone. He looked up to see the female who was clearly dressed for bed. He looked back at the bed then sighed. He was determined to show her how nice he could be, even if it did cause him suffering.

"Here." He cleared his throat, getting up. "You can take the bed. I'll find somewhere else to sleep."

"Really?" Angel's eyes widened. She expected some kind of fight. "Just like that?"

Ryan nodded as he got up. He grabbed an extra blanket from the corner of the room and laid it on the floor, grabbing a few pillows and placing them on one end of the small bed he made himself.

"Why are you trying so hard to be nice to somebody like me?" Angel asked, a genuine question that was on her mind, as she got herself tucked into bed. "Our groups are rivals. There's no point in being nice to me."

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