Chapter Six: First Morning Struggles

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It was the next morning, Leah woke up to find herself on the couch, the sun blaring through the windows. She sat up and looked around to see her sister on the other couch. She checked her phone to see the time was almost 7:15. She also saw that her phone was at 20%. She got up from the couch and made her way to her bedroom, quietly entering as she expected Sebastian to still be sleeping, which he was. She saw him curled up in his sleep and it made her smile; she found it cute.

Snapping back to reality, Leah made her way to her side table to grab her charger. After grabbing her charger, she made her way out, only to find herself accidentally running into the bed.

"Ow!" She shouted in a whisper, due to the pain.

"Leah?" Sebastian had awoken. "Is that you?"

"Oh my god, yeah." She said, immediately feeling bad. "I'm so sorry for waking you."

"Don't be." Sebastian said, sitting up. "Are you okay?"

Leah was leaned against the bed, holding her foot in which she stubbed against the bed.

"Yeah, it's nothing." She said.

Sebastian turned on his lamp light to get a better look at the throbbing Leah, only to see her wincing.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes." Leah nodded. "You'll learn quickly how clumsy I am. This is normal."

Sebastian snickered. "Don't hurt yourself too much."

Leah just smiled. "Thanks. Sorry for waking you again. I'll let you go back to bed."

Sebastian smiled a small smile. He looked like he had more on his mind but didn't say anything. Leah made her way out of the room and a sigh came from Seb's mouth before he turned the light back off and went back to sleep, leaving Leah alone as she was the only one awake.


Lexi woke up to an odd but comforting heat source. When she opened her eyes, she found herself cuddling with something. When she realized what it was, she screamed; Oliver's arm.

"Ew!" She screamed, sitting up and moving back, away from the awoken shirtless male.

"Good morning beautiful." He said, clearly trying to upset her.

"Don't call me that." Lexi hissed.

"Oh come on, you clearly like it." Oliver said. "Or should I say me?"

He glanced down at his arm to intend something.

"Shut up!" Lexi shouted. "I cuddle things in my sleep."

"So I've learned." Oliver snickered.

"What is with you?" Lexi glared. "One moment you're hating and yelling at me, the next you're flirting with me."

Oliver scoffed. "Flirting with you? Yeah right." He rolled his eyes.

"So calling me beautiful isn't flirting?" Lexi raised a brow.

Oliver froze. He realized he was wrong. "Okay, I flirt because I know you hate it."

"Only from you." Lexi rolled over, throwing the blanket off of her.

"So if any other guy flirted with you, you'd be okay with it?" Oliver raised a brow.

"Yup." Lexi said, standing up out of bed.

"And why is that?" Oliver asked.

"Because." She made her way to their bathroom door. "He wouldn't be Oliver asshole Moy."

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