Chapter Twenty-One: The Date

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It was the next day, night actually, and Justin and Alex were getting ready for their date. Ever since he had asked her out, Alex had seemed so bright, full of giddy and smiles everytime he was around. Out of respect though, Justin slept in the livingroom overnight as they both were somewhat nervous for their date.

Justin was all ready, waiting in the livingroom as Alex was getting ready in their bedroom, when Oliver walked into the livingroom.

"Oooo okay Justin, looking snazzy." He said, causing Justin to perk up. "What's the reason?"

"Huh?" Justin said, looking at his outfit trying to quickly come up with an answer. "Oh, no reason."

"So you are just dressed like that for no reason?" Oli raised a brow.

"Um, yes." Justin replied nervously.

"Okay, that seems a little suspicious." Oliver said, crossing his arms as he plopped onto the chair across from Justin.

Justin didn't know what to say. He just sat there, staring at the male. Suddenly, Alex came out of the room, dressed up in a nice shirt and jeans. "Okay, I'm ready!"

"Ready for what?" Suddenly, a female's voice comes from the corner walking around from the hallway.

"I'm asking the same thing, Lexi." Oliver said, staring at Justin.

Lexi turns to look at Alex, seeing how she was dressed. "Woah, A, you never dress like that unless you have something special going on."

"Oh yeah." Alex rubbed the back of her head.

That's when Angel and Ryan walked into the livingroom, freezing as they saw all the people. Justin, making eye contact with the new male in the room, begs for help with his eyes.

"What's going on?" Ryan asked, taking the hint.

"Justin is more dressed up than usual." Oliver replied.

"And Alex is dressed up period." Lexi added.

"Oh, that's because..." Ryan looked for an excuse.

"I'm taking Alex clubbing!" Angel chimed in, rushing over to the female in question and linking her arm with her's.

"Yes!" Ryan exclaimed. "And I told Justin he should go too."

"Clubbing?" Lexi raised a brow.

"Yeah!" Angel exclaimed. "You should go too, Lex! Maybe meet somebody."

Lexi rolled her eyes. "No thanks. Have fun."

And with that, Lexi grabbed a snack from the kitchen before making her way back into her bedroom.

"So the four of you are going clubbing together?" Oliver asked, still suspicious.

"Yes and no." Ryan replied. "We'll go to the same club but we won't spend time together, right girls?"

"Right!" Angel exclaimed, Alex and Justin both nodding in agreement.

"Hmm." Oli glared at the four before standing up. "Alright, well have fun I guess."

Oliver sat there, turning on the TV.

"Okay, should we go then?" Angel said, trying to rescue the pair.

"Yes, let's!" Justin played along, standing up from the couch where he was sitting.

The four of them made their way out of the house, all letting out deep sighs of relief and laughter at the situation.

"Thank you guys so much." Justin said to Ryan and Angel.

"Anytime bro." Ryan said, placing a hand on the male's shoulder.

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