3 : shadow

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Why would she try to save me, and how did she know I was here?

"Can you tell me why you saved me?" I inquired. She crossed her arms as she approached me.
Why isn't she responding my questions after staring at me for five minutes?

"Are you good, are you in pain?" she questioned. She then placed her hand on my shoulders. I locked my gaze on her. "I'm ok" i said. "but how did you know I was here?" Fearfully, I added.

"Who are y-you?" i asked. My voice is trembling with terror. She walked away, saying, "Can't you just thank me and shut up?".

"How can I express my gratitude for saving me?" I asked, and she simply stared at me for a long time.
"Didn't you hear me, miss?" an asked once more, then approached me softly and whispered. She said, "I'll think about it."

She moved by me and returned my stare. "I'm Giselle by the way" she remarked as she continued walking and vanished into the darkness.

Giselle is a lovely name. I'm curious as to why she's so strong she must be skilled in martial arts.

While walking, I'm still thinking about what happened earlier, and I realize I'm already in my dorm. I headed up to my room after entering. My phone rang while I was changing my clothing.

"Hello, Minjeong?" I said. "Ning, did you make it back home safely?" "Oh, about that, there was a jerk who tried to you know.., but someone protected me, so I'm safe now. I hope" I said.

She then replied "God, I should have gone home with you, I'm sorry."
"It's fine, take care of yourself, min"

She quickly replied, "I'll be staying at Jimin's place for tonight." she added. "Didn't you just meet her at the party?" I questioned her.
I didn't know she's staying at a stranger's home.

"I know," she responded flirtatiously, "but she's a good girl." "Jeez minjeong, relax your tits, I'm going to bed now, goodnight, have fun with your new girl," I said as I walked away. "Goodnight, I will" she said as she hung up the phone.

She has never slept at a stranger's home and despises sleeping with strangers. What's on Minjeong's thoughts at the moment.

I put on my airpod and started listening to some music. what happened earlier has stayed with me. it was a horrific event.

He might have done something wrong to me if she hadn't been there. I headed to the restroom to wash my face. I blinked open my eyes. Is it possible that I just saw someone standing near me?

"Are you there, Minjeong?" Nobody is responding. I'm just exhausted, I think.

I was sleeping when I noticed the similar person I had seen in the restroom. Is it possible that I'm being followed? What a fantastic evening. When I saw a shadow closer, I let out a gasp.

I fell asleep after covering my face with a pillow.

i got the idea from that one movie but i forgot what it is. have a nice day !!

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