4 : transferees

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I awoke with a terrible headache I swear I didn't drink anything yesterday, so why is my head hurting so badly? "It could be because of what happened last night"

I stood up and took a bath. I put on some comfortable clothes and my shoes. "Gosh, I should not have gone with Minjeong yesterday now I'm late for school," I grumbled. and hurriedly exited.

I arrived at my school in ten minutes.
"NINGNING!" I heard a young lady call my name. When I turned around, it was minjeong. She crossed her arm over mine. "What do you need" I inquired. My eyes rolled. "Did you know there are new transferees in our section?" she exclaimed excitedly. Transfers once more? "Why are you surprised? Aren't you used to it?" I inquired.

"Jimin is one of them!"she said excitingly. "what? jimin? the girl you met at Chae's party yesterday? "I inquired.
"Yeah, the one and only," we said as we strolled and discussed our way to our room.

"Hey there," said a quiet voice close by.
"Hey, Jimin!". The tall female was greeted by Minjeong.

"Ms. Yizhuo, can we swap seats for today?"Jimin enquired.

"Just for now," Minjeong said quietly.

"All right, then, where am I going to sit?" I got up and approached Jimin.

She made a gesture with her fingers. "Sit near that girl," she said, pointing to the black-haired girl.

I approached the girl while staring at the floor. "uh hey," i said, tilting her head up and looking at me. "Y-you?" I inquired. I was shocked she was the girl who saved me yesterday. "you still owe me baby girl" she says and wrapped her arms around the chair.

I don't have any money, and I'm not wealthy.

"Look, I don't have money, and if you think I'm rich, you're wrong," I said as I sat down. "ms, relax. I'm not requesting for money " She stated.

That's a huge relief.

"How do I address you?" She asked me. "My name is Ning, ning yizhuo," I replied. "so ms yizhuo, you don't have to pay me or anything, I just helped you, if you saw someone in trouble, you'd help as well, I hope that answers all your questions." she said, returning her gaze to her book.

"thank you giselle" she isn't that cold as i thought.

I was taking notes when I noticed my paper was covered in her name 'giselle'giselle'giselle' I had no idea I was writing her name all along. I'm not going to lie, all I've been thinking about her since yesterday

I dropped my pen, and she caught it as she was still focused on writing. How did she do that...

"Here you go," she said as she placed her hand on the table alongside the pen. "Thank you," I said, accidentally touching her hand. She is as cold as ice. She quickly removed her hand from my table

her hand is so cold like an ice, it's clearly not so cool in our room why is she so cold.

Professor Kang finally dismissed our class. Minjeong accompanied me and brought Jimin with us. I can see these two being flirty with each other. They irritate me.

"Aeri!" yelled Jimin, calling out to the quiet girl. "She walked alongside us"

'I thought her name was Giselle?' i thought.

"I told you not to call me that name again" we looked at her senseless face.

"ok ok, sorry I forgot, chill there aer- giselle," karina teased the girl, the girl then gave her a death stare.

"Are you familiar with her?" Jimin was asked by minjeong.

"Of course, I'm familiar with her. She is my sister "Jimin grinned.

"It's no surprise your family is attractive" Minjeong said.

"Actually, I was adopted by her parents because they said they'd never have a child." Jimin explained.

"I think I'm oversharing, how about you, Yizhuo, tell me about yourself?" she suggested.

"I'm just a normal human being," I explained.

"I'm going back to the dorm minjeong, I'll see you there, bye jimin, bye min,"I said and waved

"bye, take care." jimin and minjeong waved back.


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