10 - My focus

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Is he okay?

Sujin fidgeted in her seat. Sehun hadn't said anything for almost an hour. He just continued looking out the train window, deep in thought. He didn't tell her where they were going, just to pack for one night.

She wanted to touch him- hug him again. Sujin knew Sehun would probably push her away if she tried. "Sujin." Sehun muttered sitting up and turning towards her. She couldn't answer they were in a train full of people. If they saw her talking to herself they'd probably kick her out. "Stop moving so much." he sighed "We're almost there."

"Can you at least tell me where we're going?" She whispered. Sehun shook his head, a small grin appearing. "Be patient."

"You could've at least given me the window seat." She muttered leaning back. Even though she wouldn't admit it out loud to him. Sujin was happy to be going on a trip alone with him. Wanted to confess to him. Tell him how much she's grown to like him. It didn't matter if he felt the same or not. She needed to tell him. Needed to get it off her chest. This trip was the perfect chance. Sujin smiled turning to look at Sehun, he was leaning his head against the window, eyes slowly closing.

The sun was shining on his skin, creating almost a halo around him. The train chimed and the conductor spoke telling the passengers that they would be arriving shortly. "Let's go." Sehun stood up quickly, walking towards the door. She followed behind silently. Letting him lead the way. The train came to a slow stop while Sujin grabbed both her and Sehuns bags. "You said to pack for one night? Then what's all this!?" She complained at the weight of his two duffel bags, following him out of the train. Sehun laughed grabbing one of his bag "Just hold on to it so it looks like you're carrying it". He lifted it the bottom handling most of the weight for her. Sujin nodded, thankful for the idea as they walked away from the station.

He led her to a small bus that had 'beach transport' lit up on the small electronic screen.

"Beach!? we're going to the beach?"

Sehun nodded, walking into the bus pulling her along with him. "Sort of?" he muttered sitting down. Sujin sat beside him as the bus started.

"What do you mean sort of?" She whispered. Sehun smiled, bringing his index finger up to his mouth. "Shh. People will think you're crazy remember?"

She looked down at her feet, not bothering to ask anymore questions. She'll find out when they get there. It didn't take long until they reached their spot. Even during this drive, He didn't say much. Sehun stood up walking out of the bus. Letting her get their stuff herself this time.

Moody much? She thought irritated.

"Sujin-ah" He paused and smiled again. If she wasn't holding the bags, it would've knocked her to her knees. He was smiling so much today. And only for her. It made her stomach flip, and eyes water.

"Leave the stuff here and race me."


Sehun grabbed their bags from her hand throwing them on the ground. "Race me."

Without a another warning, he turned around and ran away from her, towards the beach. Her jaw dropped, watching him get further away from her. "Race me?" She repeated looking down at her shoes, they were perfect for running but for the sand? She could practically feel the grains inside her socks already. With one glance at their luggage, Sujin sighed grabbing her camera and running after Sehun.

He was already near the shore... laughing.

He looks so free she thought smiling to herself, it was perfect. Grabbing the camera out of its case, she put the lense to her eye taking a few shots of him, the way the wind blew his hair back while he ran. He was a model without trying.

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