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Her brain still foggy from sleep, Meredith turned onto her side and reached over to Derek's side of the bed, pausing when her arm met nothing but cool sheets, indicating that her fiancé had been gone for a significant amount of time.

With a frown, she sat up and looked around the bedroom of the small apartment they had rented for the next few months. It had become evident that the house wasn't going to be finished before their baby was born, so the week after Mark and Addison had gone back to New York with Alissa they had rented a small place not far from the hospital. The trailer was much too small for them to live in for three months with their baby, and Derek had some sort of ridiculous worry that if something were to happen to her or the baby she and the baby would both benefit from living closer to the hospital.

They'd lived here for a week now, and had taken the weekend off from work, using the excuse that they were moving into their new place. But as she say up against the pillows, a hand resting on her stomach she knew that they had already made the place their own. They had bought new furniture that they knew they would want in their house, and Derek had even gone so far as to frame an ultrasound picture on the dresser, beside the picture of the two of them that had been taken during the summer when they'd first come to Seattle.

The living room was all set up too, although they had rarely spent any time there. But it was nice, it had a real homey feel that Meredith had never felt anywhere else. There was a spare bedroom that was currently empty where their baby would live in five months, and Meredith knew that the feeling of being at home would only intensify when they moved into their house.

"Hey, you're awake," Derek smiled as he walked into the room, a tray full of breakfast food in his hands. "I made breakfast."

"Good," Meredith giggled as he climbed back into bed beside her. "Baby and I are starving."

"Have to make sure I keep him happy," Derek laughed, watching as she drowned her French toast in syrup. "And I'm assuming that today he likes sugar?"

"He likes sugar everyday," Meredith nodded.

"Well, he is your son," Derek said, reaching out to stroke her stomach. "Hey buddy."

"Derek?" Meredith asked around a mouthful of food, drawing his eyes back to her face.


"I'm bored."

"You woke up five minutes ago."

"I know," she rolled her eyes. "But we should do something. Just the two of us, before I get too tired and fat to do anything. It's not going to be just us for very much longer."

"You're right," he smiled, cupping her cheek and leaning in to kiss her softly. "What do you suggest we do?"

"We could go shopping for baby," she suggested.

"Hmmm," Derek shook his head. "Not today. We'll do that soon, but today is about us. As much as I love Baby, I want today to be about us."

"Okay," she nodded.

"We can work on the house," Derek suggested, pushing her hair over her shoulder and pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

"Hmmm, not fun," Meredith wrinkled her nose, tilting her head to the side to allow him better access.

"Plan the wedding?"

"Even less fun."

"I've got it," Derek murmured, pushing his button down off of her shoulder to press his lips against her shoulder, nibbling slightly.

"This?" Meredith asked.

"Hmmm," he smiled, sucking on the skin of her shoulder to soothe the bite mark he had just made. "Bed and breakfast."

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