She Is Lonely Most Of The Time

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Narrator POV:

Eliza Hamilton sat at home, anxious and bored. Her husband was supposed to come back from his time serving in the military today. Her head perked up as she heard a knock at the door. She got up quickly and ran to open it, only to find her sister on the other side.

"Is Alex here yet?" Angelica Schuyler asked. "Would I have been so eager to open the door if he was?" Eliza responded sarcastically. She's been getting snappy ever since her husband left. She needed him.

Some might call her weak or clingy for needing her husband, but she truly did. He helped with everything. Her depression, her anxiety, her overall health. She couldn't have been happier when they moved in together.

That was, until he had to leave. She was heartbroken. She refused to leave her bed for days just because he wasn't there beside her. She felt so lonely without him. It only got worse when she learned she was pregnant. She had been a single mother for nearly 2 years.

She had to do nearly everything on her own. She even had to deliver her baby on her own until the paramedics showed up and saved her, and her sons life.

Now, her son was a year and a half old. He never net his father. He only saw pictures and videos of him on Eliza's phone. Alex hadn't even known Eliza was pregnant. He never got her texts or her letters. She had just thought she was being annoying.

Eliza let Angelica in and Pip toddled over to her. "Auntie!!" He said happily. Angelica picked him up and ticked him. "How's my favourite nephew doing?" She said. Pip laughed. "Good!" Eliza smiled a bit then noticed a familiar car in the driveway.

She immediately took Pip from Angie and stepped outside. Alex got out of the car and ran up to the house, kissing Eliza passionately. He missed her so much. Once he pulled away, he noticed the one year old in her arms.

"Eliza-" he breathed out. Eliza nodded. "This is your son." She said quietly and smiled. "You should have told me- I would have been right here with you." He smiled a bit and held Pip.

"I- I tried to- didn't you get my letters..? My texts..?" She asked, her heart breaking a bit with every word. "No- my phone got taken away and the mail guys don't deliver all the way to where I was. I couldn't even send you a letter." He sighed.

Eliza nodded and kissed him again. "Well this is our son, Philip Hamilton." She whispred. Alex ticked him, causing Pip to giggle a bit. Angelica came out of the front door and hugged Alex. "It's good to see you again, Alex." She smiled.

Alex hugged back with one arm and kept hold of Pip in the other. "You too, Angelica." He said, using her full name as always. He never used her nickname. He felt it was too... friendly. He knew she had a crush on him, so he made sure she never got a loophole to be able to get too close to him. It really comforted Eliza.

"So I'm really a father now?" Alex asked, turning back to Eliza. She nodded. "Incredible!" He smiled widely and kissed Pips head. "I'll never miss another second of yours and our sons life." He promised and held Eliza's hand.

Angelica felt awkward and annoyed so she left. She wanted Alex for herself and felt jealous when she learned he had gotten her sister pregnant. She felt worse when he barely noticed her while she was trying to tall to him.

It's all Eliza's fault. She thought as she drove home, plotting her Revenge.

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