She Is Gone But She Used To Be Mine

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TW: Death, car crash

Narrator POV:

Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton
Died: November 9th, 2019
Cause: Fatal Car Crash

Alexander Hamiltons wife passed nearly 3 years ago in a terrible car crash. He was home with the youngest kids, Junior and James, while Eliza was out with Philip and Angie. They had gone to get new school supplies but Eliza never made it home.

A car came out of no where while the happy three were driving through the city. It hit the drivers side, which Eliza was in, while Philip was in the passenger side and Angelica was behind her brother.

Both children have terrible trauma and scars from the accident, but it hurt Alex more. Yes, the kids lost their mother, but Alex lost the woman he had loved for decades!

Alex took over 2 years off work. He couldn't stand to leave the house as he was. Philip and Angie took care of their younger siblings as their dad clearly was not fit to.

One cold afternoon in November, Alex found himself digging through the storage, searching everywhere for something. He couldn't even remember what he was searching for. Just... something of Eliza's.

He stumbled upon a pen. Eliza's love pen. The one she used to write little notes to him in highschool. The notes that made Alex smile every day. The notes that caused the smile that made Eliza fall in love with the boy beside her in class even more.


"No passing notes in my class!" The teacher, Mr. Adams, scolded as he took the note that Eliza had just passed to Alex. "Maybe I'll just read it out loud." He taunted, causing the two to turn beat red in front of the whole class.

"'I love your eyes, Alex. I could get lost in them forever.'" Mr. Adams read from the note. The entire class started laughing. "Mr. Hamilton, Ms. Schuyler, you can go to principal Washingtons office. Tell him I sent you because of the notes."

The two nodded and left quickly, holding each others hands in the hall. They weren't as scared of Mr. Washington as Mr. Adams had hoped and assumed. Mr. Washington was Alex's adoptive dad and wouldn't let anything happen to Alex or Eliza.


Alex smiled softly at the memory as he put the pen down and continued to look through stuff for anything else. Junior joined Alex in the storage room and started helping him look.

"What are we looking for?" He asked after a while. Alex looked at his son with a sad smile on his face. "Anything that was your mothers." He said quietly then kept looking.

He found an old, light blue scrunchie that seemingly hadn't been washed in years after use. Junior looked at it curiously. "Was that moms?" He asked. Alex nodded. "It was her favourite one. I bought it for her when she was sick." He smiled.


Eliza had been in bed for days, not feeling any better from her flu. Her boyfriend, Alex, visited her every single day, not wanting to spend a moment away from his sick angel.

This particular day, he brought her gifts. He carefully walked up the stairs of the Schuyler mansion and opened Eliza's door slowly. He noticed her sleeping, so he decided it was best to let her sleep. He set the gift basket her brought on her dresser and left a short note before he left again.

When Eliza woke up, she immediately noticed the strange basket on her dresser. She used all her strength to get out of bed, grab it, then get back in bed. She smiled as she read the sweet note.

My dear Betsey,

I noticed you were asleep and I didn't dare wake you. I wish I could see your reaction while you open the gift basket but, sadly, I can not. I hope you enjoy everything I got you!

Love, Alex♡

Eliza's heart melted at the thought of her boyfriend going through so much trouble just to get her things she didn't even need.

The gift basket was filled to the rim with treats, bath bombs, candles and hair ties. One particular one caught her eye, however. She noticed one of the hair ties had fallen out of the gift basket and onto her bed.

She carefully picked it up and examined the light blue scrunchie with darker blue hearts and a cute little 'A&E' on it. She blushed, knowing Alex had all of this specially made for her. She definitely did not deserve such a wonderful guy.


Alex tried not to cry as he continued searching through the storage with Junior, putting everything he found in a new box which he would keep under his bed.

"What's this?" Junior asked, holding up a small, blue baby blanket. "That used to be Pips. When he was a baby, he had a really bad fever so your mom bought him that to help him feel better." Alex explained.

"Did it actually help?" Junior asked, intrigued by the 'healing blanket'. Alex just laughed lightly. "Not at all. But he wouldn't give it up until he was 4." He said.


8 month old Pip was scream crying at the top of his lungs due to his 104° fever. Eliza insisted she to out to get the medication, leaving unqualified Alex to take care of their baby.

He tried everything to calm him down. Toys, music, food, shows, games, nothing worked! He only hoped his wife could be back soon enough to save his eardrums from their misery.

He heard the keys in the door jingling as his wife stepped in. She raced over to Pip and Alex with a bag in her hands. "Please tell me you got the medicine..." Alex mumbles.

Eliza nodded. "I did. I also got him this cute blanket! It has little bird on it!" She squealed a bit and pulled it out of the bag to show Alex. "And how does that quiet our extremely loud son?" He asked.

Eliza just laughed and wrapped Pip in the blanket. He kept crying. Alex smiled at his wife, even if her idea was only making it worse. Alex grabbed the medicine from the bag and successfully got it into Pips mouth after many failed attempts.

Pip eventually fell asleep, cuddling the new blanket his mom bought him. "Yay! He loves it!" Eliza whispered happily to Alex as they watched their son sleep. Alex took a quick picture then pulled Eliza put of the nursery so their son could sleep in peace.


Junior hugged his dad as he started to cry again. He needed his Eliza to keep going. At least he had these small trinkets, plus his 4 little mini Eliza's. That's when he realized, she wanted him to be happy again. She wanted him to see the good that was still around him.

Fate works in mysterious ways.

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