08. The Result of a Rainy Day

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       "Are you really not going to join?" Lake asked for what seemed to be the one-hundredth time. She was beginning to annoy Min-Jun with her constant pleading.

       "I am pretty sure I said 'no' the last ninety-nine times you asked." The sassy boy said as a matter-of-fact.

       A look of disapproval washed over Lake's face, her eyes squinting at Min-Jun as her lips twisted into a pouty frown. Min-Jun simply rolled his eyes and carried on down the hall, his 'girlfriend' following reluctantly.

"Min-Jun I know you want to help your sis-"

"Ssh!" Min-Jun hushed, throwing his hand over Lake's mouth. A small frowning wrinkle appeared in between Lake's eyebrows and she swatted Min-Jun's hand away.

"First off, why the heck did you shush me like that?" Lake rested her hands on her hips. "And secondly, why do your hands smell like cherry blossom?"

       "Jordaniscomingsodonotmentionmysister," Min-Jun quickly said in a whisper and Lake stared up at him dumbfounded.

"Hey, bro," Jordan greeted sluggishly, rubbing his neck in a nervous matter. A guilty look flashed in his hazel brown eyes. "I won't be able to give you a ride home. I totally forgot I had a robotics meeting today. I really am sorry."

       Min-Jun gave his friend an assuring smile. "It's fine, Jordan. I can just walk."

       Min-Jun shrugged nonchalantly. However, Jordan still had a guilty expression. He then glanced over at Lake. "Could you please take him home? It is going to rain and knowing him, he didn't even bring an umbrella."

       "Hey!" Min-Jun called out offended. "I am right here you know?"

       Jordan and Lake snorted before they turned to look at one another again. "Don't worry," Lake replied as she walked over to Min-Jun, slowly reaching up before pinching his cheek. "My sweetie-poo will get home safely, I'll make sure of it. Right sweetie-poo?"

       "Urgh, don't call me that." Min-Jun whined as he gently pushed Lake's hand away. Lake grinned mischievously.

       "Bye," Lake told Jordan, giving him a small wave. "Come on, sweetie-poo!"

       "Lake," Min-Jun growled, but his girlfriend was already walking down the hall. "I'll see you tomorrow Jordan."

       Jordan held an amused smile, skating his head at Min-Jun and Lake. "They are certainly quite the pair," he mumbled before turning on his heel and walking to his robotics meeting.

Min-Jun jogged toward Lake, slowing his pace once he reached her. "You don't have to give me a ride."

"I don't—" Lake nodded in agreement, her lips pursed together and her hands inside the pockets of her blazer. "—But I want to."

"Well, thank you."

As the two of them exited the building, they were greeted with a cold gust of wind and their faces felt the wetness of the air. The dark clouds that had begun to roll in confirmed Jordan's predictions. Lake and Min-Jun made their way to Lake's car, slightly shivering from the drop in temperature.

"Hey Min-Jun?" Lake called out, glancing cautiously at the raven-haired boy sitting beside her.


All that could be heard was the sound of the small droplets of water hitting the front window, one after the other and the squeaking of windshield wipers clearing them up. Lake chewed her bottom lip, not knowing whether she should ask Min-Jun the question on her mind.

Min-Jun turned his gaze to Lake, raising an eyebrow. "What is it, Lake?"

"Does Jordan not know about your sister?"

       Lake stared at the road worried that she had pressed a button she shouldn't have. Min-Jun's jaw clenched from his tense state. After a few seconds, he finally sighed heavily. Glancing over at Lake, he knew he could trust her.

       "My sister was born a year after Jordan and his father left our neighborhood," he explained. "And a year after her birth, the accident occurred. Jordan and I did not talk much in those two years, his father had sent him to a boarding school for the rest of middle school. So, to answer your question, no, he does not know about my sister. No one does, except close relatives and you."

       "Oh," Lake could not think of anything else to say. She could not help but wonder how Min-Jun had been able to keep such a secret from his best-friend.

       The two remained in silence, awkward silence for Lake who kept fiddling her fingers on the steering wheel and comfortable silence for Min-Jun who was busy staring out the window. However, the silence surrounded them was interrupted by a loud rumble.

       "W-What was that?" Lake asked as she stared at the steering wheel, holding her hands up. She looked at the many lights and her eyes widened when she looked at the gas meter. "No, no, no, no!"

       "What is it?" Min-Jun asked.

       "I forgot to put gas," Lake sulked. "Come on Drizella, don't do this to me."

"No only do you not feed your poor cars, but you give them awful names." Min-Jun grimaced at the name.

"Oh shut it!"

Lake used the last drops of her gasoline to park her precious baby near the sidewalk. Lake and Min-Jun stepped out of the car, the purple-haired girl running a hand over her locks in a frustrated manner.

"Hey, at least it is not raining hard?" Min-Jun mused with a positive smile, holding his hand out for the small droplets of rain to fall on it. However, as if on cue, the slight drizzling grew harder.

"You jinxed it!" Lake huffed.

Seeing as there was no other, Min-Jun extended his hand. "My house is nearby."

Lake slipped her hand in his, looking back at her car with a pout. The two drenched teenagers ran down the streets, trying to shield their eyes from the heavy rain. Lake looked at the homey building in front of them.

       "You have a nice house," Lake noted as she nudged Min-Jun playfully. "So, you are not poor, poor."

"Come on," Min-Jun rolled his eyes as he led Lake toward the house. However, instead of going through the front door, the Min-Jun led them toward the back. Lake's eyebrow furrowed in confusion while Min-Jun unlocked the door under the backyard porch.

       "Where are we-"

       Min-Jun opened the door and ushered Lake inside. "Here, give me your coat."

       Lake did as told as she let her eyes wonder around the basement apartment. It was spacious and decorated with a couple pieces of furniture and plenty of picture frames and paintings. Min-Jun disappeared into a room near the entrance with their  school blazers in hand.

       "Here," Min-Jun handed Lake a pair of fuzzy sandals that looked brand new. "My mother hates it when I walk into our home with my shoes on."

       "Min-Jun? Is that you?"

       "Yes, mom!" Min-Jun called back as he slipped off his shoes and slipped his feet into a similar pair of fuzzy sandals, however his pair were colored gray.

       Lake followed his actions and placed her wet shoes and socks near his. A petite woman appeared in front of them, her gaze on her apron as she wiped her hands clean.

       "I am so glad you are finally home—" the woman's eyes widened as she stared at Lake. "And you brought a girl."

       "Hey," Lake greeted with a nervous wave.

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