25. The Calm Before the Impending Doom

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Lake rubbed her sore neck. Her whole body ached from sleeping with Min-Jun on the bay window. It was spacious, but not spacious enough to sleep comfortably.

Min-Jun was still asleep next to her. Lake smiled down at him and pulled the cover up to his arms. She gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before walking toward the kitchen.

       Ayla's more immediately caught Lake's attention.

       "Shit! The trail!" Lake gasped loudly causing Min-Jun to awaken.

       "What happened?" Min-Jun asked as he rushed toward the kitchen with sleepy eyes.

       "We overslept and missed the hiking Ayla had planned for today," Lake explained. "Do you think we can still make it?"

       "I doubt it," Min-Jun said as he noticed the time on the clock. "We should probably just wait until they get back. Either way, it seems like Ayla and Jordan left together."

        Two pairs of hiking boots were missing proving Min-Jin's assumption right.

       Lake smiled knowingly. "Hopefully Jordan won't be too shy to talk."

       "He turns into goo whenever he's with her." Min-Jun smiled knowing perfectly how his best friend acted around Ayla.

       "I do hope Ayla's blindfold will fall sooner or later and she can see how much that boy cares for her," Lake replied. "They would make a perfect pair."

       "Should we make some breakfast while we wait for them?" Min-Jun suggested and Lake nodded.

        "You came make some eggs and I'll get started on some fruit salad." Lake picked up the fruits from the fridge and handed the cartage of eggs to Min-Jun.

        The raven-haired boy put on some music and began making the scrambled eggs. Lake took her time cutting up the strawberries, mango and apples.

       "Ahh, shit!" Lake winced as she looked down at her finger. There was a small cut on the tip.

       "Here, put pressure on it. I'll be back." Min-Jun handed Lake a clean paper towel before rushing to find the nearest first-aid kit. He was back in a few seconds. "Let me see."

       "It's not that bad," Lake assured.

       "Still. I don't like seeing you hurt." Min-Jun frowned upon seeing the cut in his girlfriend's finger.

       It was tiny but it still pained him to see her hurt. He disinfected the wound and placed a band-aid over it. All the while Lake stood there staring at him with a loving smile.

       She never thought she could grow so attached to someone. She finally had someone to take care of her. She was not going to be alone anymore. She had someone by her side.

Min-Jun leaned his lips to her band-aid and kissed it. "All better," he smiled.

"So cheesy."

"You love me like that," Min-Jun pointed out.

"That I do." Lake smiled as she wrapped her arms around him.

The two love-struck teenagers enjoyed each other's embrace. It felt like bliss being in each other's arms. The sweet moment was interrupted by the loud ringing of the fire alarm.

"The eggs!" They both said in panic.

Min-Jun rushed over to remove the burnt eggs from the stove while Lake grabbed a towel and tried to get rid of the smoke.

The two began laughing as soon as the fire alarm was silenced.

"No more distraction missy," Min-Jun lectured as he began a new batch of scrambled eggs.

Lake giggled at his statement and turned back to the fruit.

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