Kshaw: Haz wake up

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Includes: F l u f f < 3 // smut <3


Some of the guys had come round to hang out with me and Simon just to talk about upcoming videos and to catch up really

Sadly Vik and Josh couldn't make it today, so the only guys that came were Harry, Tobi and Ethan.

<<All of the guys were there we were all in the living room watching old videos and having a chat>>

Harry had fallen asleep on the sofa next to me under a blanket (a very soft one may I add) leant on my shoulder, I didn't mind so I let him be.

That was until he started breathing out soft sounds.. like.. moans? It was so quiet I knew the other guys wouldn't be able to hear it was only because this was right in my ear

I felt a knot in my stomach but thought nothing of it at the time

Harry's soft groans grew louder so i decided to wake him up to save him from embarrassment

JJ: "hey, haz?" I whisper and tap him softly

H: "hmm?" He hummed with a smile

JJ: "haz wake up" I said more firmly

H: "oh yeah" he rubbed his eyes and soon became flustered.

JJ: "something wrong?" I whisper ask.

H: "No- no n" he pauses and readjusts himself "no I'm fine thank" his cheeks went bright red.

Thats when I clocked it..

JJ: "oh my fucking god" I said so only Harry could hear me

H: "shut the fuck up jj" he snapped back quietly and quickly became brighter red than before

I laugh to myself as the other boys grow curious to what we are doing

E: "You two alright?" Ethan says while everyone is looking at me and Harry

H: "yeah" he replies as I'm about to speak, scared that I would expose him, but I wouldn't do that.

S: "alright so Josh is planning the next sidemen Sunday" Simon continues talking to the boys

I nod along but slide a hand onto Harry's thighs under his blanket.

His head shoots round to look at me

H: "what are you doing" he asks quietly

JJ: "was going to help you out" i say bluntly

H: "wh" he pauses "what", I don't reply. "what do you mean?" He whispers.

JJ: "just figured it would be getting painful at this point" I pause and look down, sort of signalling "do you just want my jumper to cover yourself, and you can go in my room or something?" I whisper

H: "oh yeah like I believe you were going to 'help' me or something with the boys right there?" I feel like Harry thought I was doing this as a joke as he recently came out as bi.

JJ: "it's not like they'd notice, plus it's hot" I reply

H: "did Josh fucking tell you?" He whispers

JJ: "tell me what" I genuinely didn't know what he was on about

H: "don't act like he didn't tell you now" he begins to go bright red "so does this ruin everything then?" He looks a bit more disappointed than mad right now, I'm so lost.

JJ: "what are you on about" I draw little circles with my thumb as my hand is still on his leg, as I wanted to try and calm him down a bit

As soon as I started moving my thumb Harry's eyes drifted close and he let out a soft "mmm"

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