Chapter 22

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Giyuu POV

The air was thick and the tension was tight. Sanemi stood banging on the door cursing. Getting tires I sat at the table in the middle of the room,it also had a deck of cards.

He then joined me.

Mitsuri POV

"Ugh they aren't doing anything." Uzui groaned. "Look closer." I told him.

"Their playing with cards so what." He rolled his eyes. "Wait Giyuu doesn't know how to play." Sabito pointed out.

"Neither does Nemi." Genya added. "Exactly they don't know how to play meaning they must've made their own version." I explained.

"Meaning their I interacting." Tanjiro's eyes sparkled. "Wow Director Mitsuri really knows how to sense love in the air. Sabito said making me blush at his compliment.

After a few minutes of watching and reading their movements I came to a conclusion.

"Guys let's give them some privacy." I pushed everyone from the peeping hole.

Sanemi POV

"Long time no see." Giyuu said as he set a card down. "Yeah." Was all I could bring myself to say. Guilt weight on my shoulders as I averted my gaze from his beautiful face.

"How have you been?" He asked. 'Is he trying to start a conversation with me?' In all honesty I thought he wouldn't be able to even look at me again.

"I've been doing fine I became the wind pillar." I said still looking away. "How about you."

"I've been doing okay I took over my big sisters company." He looked down.

Giyuu POV

'Ive been doing fine-.'

'Hes been fine meaning he does miss me?' I was the one who left why would he. I faced my head down trying not to cry.

The silence was internally killing me. Usually when I'm feeling uncomfortable Samemi would hold me but that isn't the case now.

"Why did you do it." I blurted out.

There was a long paused. "I ahh....I was being stupid,I had a crush on Mitsuri." He told me.

"Obanai then came up with a proposal and I took it." His head faced down. "Incase your wondering i actually did fall for you and I missed you."

My heart was filled with different emotions but one the stood out.



Tears filled his eyes. "I forgot about it,I was distracted with how happy you made me." He answered as one year fell down his left eye.

"I promise if I did remember I would've told you." He looked me in the eyes.

The next thing that happened caught me off guard.

He hugged me.

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