Chapter 2

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After a while Mark broke the kiss. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't plan on doing that... It just kind of happened." You giggled and said, "Mark, it's ok. If it makes you feel any better, I had no complaints. In fact I was actually enjoying it." You could feel your cheeks heat up. He smiled at you and leaned forward a little. "Oh did you now?" He flashed you his killer smile. "What happened to the shy Mark Tuan that I was just talking to?" He smirked at you, "for now he's gone. One of those sudden bursts of confidence things ya know?" You giggled and kisses him quickly. He suddenly picked you up by your thighs and carried you up the stairs and into his room. "Mark, what are you doing?" You giggled softly. He throws you down onto the bed and slowly climbs up over you with his face hovering just inches above your own. "What does it look like I'm doing?" You raised your eyebrow. "I'm not sure, that's why I asked." He kisses you softly, "something I never thought I'd do." you kissed back starting to feel nervous. "Mark are you sure you want this? Are you really ready?" He chuckled. "Despite how quiet and innocent I may come across as, this isn't my first time doing this." You gave him a quizzical look, "but you said this was something you never thought you'd do?" He smiled and kissed your cheek. "I meant sleeping with someone I hardly know." You nodded. "Well maybe we shouldn't be doing this then..." He pulled your face up to his and looked into your eyes. "No Rae Ah it's ok. I want to do this more than I've wanted anything in my life so far." You smiled up at him and ran your thumb over his cheek, "I want this too." He captured your lips in a breath taking kiss before traveling down your neck and sucking softly. He began running his hands along your sides, slowly pulling your shirt up each time his hands would travel back up.

Mark Smut (not a one shot)Where stories live. Discover now