Charpter 3: I Was Dancing

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Shit, my head.

Slowly opening my eyes to adjust to the morning light, I suddenly become very aware of the weight on my chest. Arms wrapped around my waist hold me in place, a body on mine stopping me from sitting up.

I smile looking down at the blonde, who, at some point last night, must have crawled into bed with me. Cute.

Her breathing patterns are slow and even, she's still asleep. I can't help but let myself admire how beautiful she looks right now. Though she is always beautiful.

My hand rests on her back, rubbing small circles, my other hand behind my head. Her soft vanilla scent fills the room, and her soft breathing is all I can hear. I could get used to this.

"I can feel you staring." She mumbles, moving slightly to look up at me.

I smile down to her, "There a problem with that?" I ask.

She just lets out a soft chuckle before pushing herself off of me.

"God my head is pounding." She groans, standing up. As she goes to walk across the room she trips over her discarded shoes, falling to the ground with a grunt.

I can't help but laugh as she just sits on the ground, to lazy to get up.

"Shut up." She mumbles.

Getting up from my bed I walk past her, still sitting on the floor, I grab some clothes from my dresser, throwing them to her. To which they land on her head, she grumbles again.

"Get dressed, English starts in..." I look at the clock. "5 minutes ago..."

Her eyes widen, as she looks over at me, taking the clothes in her hands and quickly standing up.

"It's 8? Why the hell don't you have an alarm set?" She's more frantic than I'd expected.

"Because I don't like alarms. They're annoying and ruin my dreams." I shrug, grabbing myself some clothes. I begin getting changed, peeling my shirt off, I can feel her eyes on me.

"I can feel you staring" I repeat back her words from earlier. She doesn't say anything, just looks away.

"It's fine. I don't mind." I assure her.

"Yea, well I do mind. So go." She demands. Pointing to my bathroom. Following her orders I walk into the bathroom to finish getting changed.

"You can come out now." She calls from the other room.

I thought it was already obvious, guess not.

"I'm gay!" I call back. I can practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"Not what I meant idiot!"

Walking out of my bathroom, she's fully dressed in my clothes. I can't help but stare.

 I can't help but stare

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