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After my little session with Lykaon, he told me he and Klyn must leave early in the morning for home, that his father requested his presence to help with something important. He promised to come visit as often as he is able, even if it’s just for a few hours every day. For some reason, I didn’t want him to go, I didn’t want to stay alone without him, but he said it wasn’t safe for me to go with him yet. I was worried about him, but he didn’t seem to notice, and said that I should go to bed. So, I did, falling asleep with gray eyes looking back at me behind my eyelids.

I woke to someone kissing my brow and opened my eyes to see him there. I sat up and hugged him, crying softly for some kind of peace I had with him. Before he left though, he handed me a piece of paper. “I want you to do this at least once every day.”

I opened the paper and found the words; Find someone in public and help them out with something they need.


“Because, a Luna takes care of her pack, no matter what. She does one good deed per day as a way to shed light on those who need it.” Lykaon set the paper on my dresser and looked at me. “Just one person, that’s all I ask. I don’t want you in here all day every day anymore. You’re going to talk to people, make new friends and explore new places.”

I frown. “This pack thinks I’m weak.”

He shrugs. “Show them different. Show them my Luna.” I smile and look away, only to have him kiss me again before pulling me into his arms in a warm embrace. When he pulls back, he says, “I must go now. I will see you soon.”

I nodded and watched him go, softly shutting my door behind him with a click. I sat in bed, staring at the door, praying it would open again to Lykaon, my mate, smiling and in a good mood. But he did not. Nor did Klyn.

Three hours later, and I still hadn’t moved. My mother checked on me once or twice, but didn’t seem to understand what was wrong with me. Jacques tried teasing me, but it ended in me chasing him out of my room with a lamp, screaming I’d kill him if he ever touched foot in my room again. I looked at the piece of paper and took a deep breath. I can do this. I’m a Luna now, I need to do this.

Somewhere in the middle of the day, I had given up on my one duty of helping someone. They didn’t want my help. They told me it was fine and I should go home, that my mother had it handled. The tenth person to say that to me almost had me shifting into my wolf. Instead, I ended up going somewhere quiet and alone that wasn’t my bedroom, and curled up for rest.

Sometime later, someone is waking me up with a high pitch voice. “Alpha Merle is looking for you. You should go.”

I look up and see a little girl looking around anxiously. “The Alpha?”

The girl nods and looks at me. She had pretty violet eyes and light brown locks that tumbled down her back. “He’s been searching for you for hours. I need to help you home before he sends the guards.”

I shake my head and stand up. “No, you don’t have to do that. I got it.”

The girl bows her head. “I am expected to help the future Luna.”

“I’m not the future Luna for this pack. Rona is, Jacques’s mate.”

“But you’re Alpha Lykaon’s mate, which means you’ll be a future Luna. That means I must help you.”

I sigh and decide to forget about the argument, letting her take me to my father. We were almost there when a woman ran up to us calling, “Tasha!” The girl ran up to her and embraced the woman as I stood by and watched. The woman looked up to me and smiled. “Thank you, Luna Opaline. I thought she was in danger.”

“But I—”

The girl said something to the mother in which the mother came up to me and embraced me as well. I was confused and somewhat uncomfortable until the woman backed up a little and said, “I’m truly grateful.”

With that, they walked away and I wondered what the hell just happened.

Someone touched my shoulder from behind and I turned to see Jacques. “Hey! Where have you been?”

“Around…” I look around and realize it’s getting dark. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how late it was.”

Jacques took my hand and led me home, telling me mother has been worried sick.

When we got there, he led me to the dining room and made to eat something. I do, but get bombarded with questions from my father about where I’ve been and scolded about how I could have been in danger and he would have no way of knowing. I mentally shrugged it off, but apologized.

I got up early the next morning and went out again, determined to help, no matter what. And people let me. Mothers let me help with their children and shopping. Men let me get water for them while they worked, and children let me read to them. It was gratifying and pleasing to the eyes to see that I could actually do something for people, for my pack, for Lykaon’s pack. And I wanted to. I loved helping them. I loved how everyone smiled and thanked me for my help, my support.

It took my mind off missing my mate until I was too exhausted to even think. But it was a good feeling, a feeling I thought I’d never have again.

Sounds  and Vibrations (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now