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Even though i was very overwhelmed and confused i still had to see b/n.

After about 20 minutes on the train i finally made it to their part of town. I clutch my money in my hand as i begin walking to b/n's apartment. I knock on their door.

"Oh, hey y/n! What are you doing here? What happened to your face? Is everything okay?"

"No. Everything is not okay."

I fall on the floor. Dropping the money i got from the business man. I covered my face with my hands as i sobbed so hard that no sound could even come out.

"I'm sorry b/n. I don't know what to do. My mom sold our house and now we have to live with my douche bag uncle. I cant do this b/n. I cant go on like this"

"Oh wow. Okay y/n, come inside and stay here for the night. I already have someone over but she won't mind."

I get up from the ground picking up my money and wiping my tears.

"No, no. If you have someone over i won't stay. I don't wanna be the type of person to do that."

"No please stay here y/n. I don't wanna leave you alone right now."

"Okay. I'll stay"

I walk into her room and immediately feel so much calmer then before. But this time some girl was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Soo...who's this?"

"This is sae-byeok. We bumped into eachother at the train station and we exchanged numbers. We've been hanging out with eachother for a few weeks now. You guys should be friends!"

I look over to sae-byeok, she has black short hair and a scar on her neck. Her eyes can pierce through someone's soul but i don't feel unsafe around her. She seems dangerous but is also...comforting? I'm very confused by her vibes.

"Hey. I'm sorry that you had to see me breakdown like that. I'm just having a bad night. Well in all honesty, a bad life." I say.

"It's alright. I can understand that."

Well she's not very talkative.

"Well...we were just going to watch this new show if you wanna join."


B/n turns on the tv and sits down with a cup of coffee. After about an hour of sitting and watching tv in silence, b/n says something.

"Oh my god i saw the craziest thing the other day."

"What was is?" sae-byeok asks.

"Some guy was getting slapped by this business man while playing ddajki. Everyone who was getting off the train tried to ignore it, how could you not though!"

I look at her with a shocked look on my face. I wasn't the only one? What was going on? I cant tell her she's gonna think i'm...i'm crazy!

"Huh...that's kinda weird. heh." i say looking back at sae-byeok.

Her face was exactly like mine. Did it happen to her to? Did this handsome business man give her 100,00 won to? When she noticed i saw her worried expression she immediately changed the subject.

"So how long have you and y/n been friends?" she asks b/n ignoring the story she just told.

A little while after b/n mentioned the business man, everyone was asleep, except for me. I couldn't stop looking at the mysterious card that man gave me. Am i really that desperate? Do i need money so badly i call this weird number? Yes. I need it.

I get up and grab my old flip phone and head to the bathroom. I dial in the number as fast as i can. It rings until someone picks up.

"Who's calling?"

"Uhm..hello. This number was on the back of a business card i got earlier. I'm sorry to bother you."

I was about to hang up until...

"Do you wish to participate in the game? If you wish to participate please state your name and birthdate."

Jesus. It's real. I take a deep breath

" Y/n L/n born on september 25, 1994."

"Thank you. Go to your nearest park tonight at 2:00 am. The pass word is red light green light. We hope to see you soon."

They hang up. 2:00 am. It's 1:37 am. I need to leave. Now.

The park is only a 15 minute walk, i'll make it there in time. I grab my money and phone and throw on a coat. Once i start walking towards the door someone taps my shoulder.

"JESUS. You scared the shit out of me sae-byeok."

"You played the game to didn't you? Your heading to the park." she says.

"Y-yeah. I am."

"I am to, we can go together."

"Alright. Let's go."

We quietly walk out the door trying not to wake b/n. We walk in silence together in the streets of korea until we see the big tree in the center of the park. I check my watch. 1:57...

"So. Why do you need money?" sae-byeok asks

"Listen. I just met you i don't think i should be telling you this stuff."

"Mmm. Your smart. I wouldn't have told you either."

I force a slight chuckle, then a big car pulls up. The window rolls down and it reveals a strange man in a pink jumpsuit and a strange mask with a circle on it.

"Y/N and Sae-Byeok?"

"Yes" we both say in unison

"And what's the password?"

I look at sae-byeok. She nods at me to say it

"It''s red light green light?"

The door on the car then slides open, revealing 2 other people in the car. Both me and sae-byeok hop in beside eachother.

"So whys everyone asleep?" i ask.

All of a sudden smoke starts coming out of the air vents of the car. I look up in fear at the driver and he has a gas mask on. I look at sae-byeok, the last thing i see is her scared face slowly getting blurrier.

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