Part 10- Suspicions

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It's been two months since the disastrous Saint Patrick's Day party, the robots had attacked several times, each time harder than the last, everyone's nerves running thin.

Nico helped out multiple times, with the Avengers and Director Fury becoming more and more suspicious of him.

But he had bigger problems than a bunch of strung-up spandex-wearing superheroes.

Mainly- the discovery of Greek influence working with the robots. They started to have Celestial Bronze plating, fighting styles similar to Greek, and of course, the symbols.

There was ancient Greek writing carved into the armor, things like "Thunder" and "Strength," most likely to give the robots more power. And it showed, it was getting harder and harder to fight them. Not only that, but half the time they weren't at full power, with the Avengers and SHIELD pouring over who it could be, and why they were doing this, meaning several sleepless nights for many of them.

Luckily, I'd been able to manipulate the Mist enough so they don't realize it's not regular bronze or that there's strange writing on them.

But it was time to take things into my own hands.

"You need to go on break? For how long?" Pepper questioned

"Probably about 3 to 4 months if everything goes well,"

"And the reason?"

"Family problems." The disdain in that sentence held a much deeper meaning than anything Pepper could even think to decipher,

"Alright, hope it's nothing too serious," She said with a wince of sympathy,

I shook my head, "no, not comparatively,"

"That's... good, see you in October then, I'll go ahead and inform the team," He responded while walking away with a wave,

"Yeah, see you then, thanks."

Sigh, he never changes, does he? Pepper thought exasperatingly.


May 26th, I was visiting camp to see Will, -who sadly had just left on a part-time job interview- and anyone else who was there, which happened to be Leo, Calypso, the Stolls, and a few others I don't know as well.

As I was having a nice conversation with Katie Gardener about fertilizers, I was suddenly dragged by Buford the Table -most likely Leo didn't want to be killed for touching me, and knew I liked Buford enough to not total him- to Bunker 9, where, surprise surprise, Leo was waiting, laughing maniacally on his swivel chair. Seriously, who's idea was it to give him a swivel chair?


"Sigh, what Leo?" I absentmindedly noticed Buford folding down next to Leo's desk,

"You're supposed to guesssss!!"

"... you finally managed to get Nessa to agree to let you handle the 4th of July fireworks?"

"Ouuwahhh, no, qu'te unfort'unate, ain't it ol' chap?"

"What the *faun* is that accent."

"Why, it's me Brit'sh one mate!!"

"No... it's not... it's a horrible, bastardized Leo version of a British accent. Now shut up and tell me what you wanted to let me know."

"First of all, that's a contradicting statement by telling me to both shut up and tell you something, so it's kind of counter product-"

"Fine, stop talking about useless things and tell me then."

He looked a bit dejected before perking up, looking how he always looked after pulling off a massive prank,

Nico Di Angelo, Assistant of IronmanWhere stories live. Discover now