16. Motives Revealed

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Yang is standing in front of Sun at the hospital room he is staying in. He appears perfectly fine despite the fact she broke his leg yesterday and even more surprising that he doesn't appear angry at Yang.

Yang: You.. you're already walking again??

Sun: Hm? Oh yeah, some Mimaran guy showed up and used some recovery semblance to fix up my leg. Now it works just fine now!

Sun smiles at Yang, who then appears sad.

Yang: Do you want me to leave?

Sun: Hm? No? Why would I?

Yang: Because I'm the one who placed you in a hospital. Why are you acting like nothing has happened?

Sun sighs a little while keeping his smile. He walks over to Yang and places a hand on her shoulder.

Sun: Because I know you well enough that you don't just break your friend's legs out of nowhere. Obviously something messed with your head or something! Maybe adrenaline or maybe someone cheated to get you disqualified.

Yang is a little shocked at Sun's maturity over the matter. He is usually happygolucky and immature, kind of like her honestly. So him coming out and believing that she wouldn't normally hurt people randomly causes her to tear up. Sun pulls her in for a hug.

Sun: There, there. It's alright, I'm still kicking, no lasting harm was done.

Yang: ..... Thank you, Sun.

The two soon break their hug and Sun sits on his bed with his legs crossed.

Sun: So, any idea what happened last night?

Yang: Well, according to the Mimarans....


Mercury was sitting in a cell inside one of the Mimaran cruisers with armed guards standing nearby. Mercury was doing pushups before he hears someone crying out in the hallway.

Emerald: Let me go!

He sees a pair of Mimaran troopers and an ISB agent walk up with Emerald in hand. They turn off the force field before pushing Emerald inside the cell. She growls at the Mimarans as Mercury speaks up.

Mercury: So, the Mimarans got you too, huh?

Emerald: Ugh, yeah, got me in an alleyway.

Mercury: Ironic, the thief couldn't escape the authorities in an alleyway.

Emerald: Shut up.

The Mimarans activate the cell's forcefield and walk away to their posts. Emerald sighs and looks at Mercury.

Emerald: How is Cinder? I heard they caught her a couple days after they got you.

Mercury lays his head back against the wall.

Mercury: I haven't seen her. But I heard she was in the medical facility onboard and is recovering from her injuries.

Emerald: What kind of injuries?

Mercury: Well, I heard her hand got sliced off and they had to reconnect it. The new Inquisitor running around is a menace apparently.

Emerald: Tch, one was bad enough.

Mercury: Yeah. Hey, out of curiosity, how'd you get caught?

Emerald glances towards the camera outside the cell that's listening to them. She then scoots over to Mercury and speaks with a soft voice.

Emerald: The Grimm told me to create an incident over at Amity. I pulled it off and made out of the coliseum, but then I found myself being hunted by the ISB for hours before they finally caught me.

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