Chapter 6

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TW: Blood 

Mika Pov: 

It wasn't that hard to sneak Yuu into my room again. The hard part would be to get actual good medication. Yesterday I just carelessly wrapped some bandages around Yuu's injuries and put healing ointment on the worst bruises. I didn't even clean them off with anything but water. Now I would have to look for good disinfectants and something to cool down the fever.  

I snuck down to the armaments chamber even though I wasn't allowed to go there on my own. But I had no time to look for Krul right now. And this whole situation would have been way to complicated to explain anyways.

When I finally found what I was looking for and was about to head back up I heard steps on the stairway down and quickly hid in a corner behind a couple of boxes with medical supply. I gulped as I realised that it was Ferid. I knew he would sense my presence and so I quickly hid the bottles with medicine under my cloak. Just a second later the boxes I was hiding behind were kicked to the side and Ferid looked down on me with an amused smirk.

"Sneaking around here when you're not supposed to? That should have its consequences". I gulped. "But since you're Kruls little pet I guess I'll have to let you go if I don't wanne get in more trouble with her" Ferid mumbled.

I thanked him and stumbled towards the door but before I reached the stairs I suddenly felt an immense pain strike trough my upper body. I gasped and spat out blood as I looked down and saw the blade that went right through my stomache. Blood was dripping to the floor and all over my clothes.

Ferid behind me giggled and then pulled the sword out causing another intense strike of pain to run through my body. I fell to my knees breathing heavily. Even though as a vampire I could close that injury in a short time it was still painful as hell and it would take a lot of energy to regenerate fully from that. 

"This should teach you a lesson!" Ferid walked off with that stupid grin on his face while I still laid on the floor gasping for air and watching the blood spread all over the place. Then after a long time of whining and hectical breathing I finally pulled myself together and healed my injury. My whole body was shaking as I got up and ran back to my room as fast as possible leaving a puddle of blood behind on the floor.

When I arrived at my room Yuu was still sweating and shaking like crazy. I slightly shook him to wake him up. It took some time until his eyelids started to flatter a little but he couldn't keep his eyes open.

"Yuu. I have medicine for you. You gotta drink it, okay?" I whispered in his ear. Then I carefully put my hand under his head to lift it up a bit. He slightly opened his mouth and I took a spoon and carefully put it in his mouth. Then I softly placed his head back on the pillow and his eyes closed again.  

I was feeling so tired and weak from healing myself and was still under shock but I needed to be strong for Yuu now. Even though I felt like my own eyes would fell shut any second I still forced myself to keep them open. 

Yuu POV:

I woke up feeling a cold wet something on my forehead and a shaking hand slightly stroking my cheek. I knew immediately who it was and slowly opened my eyes.

"Mika you saved me agai- Mika!" I stared at him in horror as I noticed that Mika's clothes were soaked in blood and there was a hole in his shirt as if someone would have dragged a knife into his stomach. I quickly sat up and pressed my hand against his body to stop the bleeding but there was no injury. Just skin.

"It's okay. I already healed it myself" Mika explained but he sounded as if he was holding back his tears. "I- I'll disinfect your wounds Yuu. I'll have to take off the bandages if that's okay." I nodded and pulled off my shirt. Mika got some medical supplies then started to unwrap my bandages.

His hands were soft and working carefully. His thinn fingers slowly stroking over my skin. It made me shiver a bit. Not in an uncomfortable way though.

Mika's long blond hair was falling into his face so I just noticed he was crying when he kept lifting his hand up to his face to wipe the tears. "Mika. What's wrong?" I asked and reached out my hand for him but he slapped it away. 

"It's nothing. Just let me f-finish this okay?" he mumbled while he kept nursing me. When he was done I carefully pulled him down on the bed next to me and he snuggled his head into my chest. After a while I heard him sobb slightly and started to rub his back. 

A part of me wanted to know what was going on but then I decided to just let him rest for now. I wrapped my arms around Mika's waist and pulled him even closer so he was laying half on top of me. "It's okay" I whispered and then we just laid there until I felt Mikas breath even and realized he had fallen asleep. 

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