The Stupid Host

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Percy sat in the hotel room, his heart was beating fast and he was staring intently at the screen of the TV.  He had to win, or he was going to have to work his butt off to pay the eight-hundred dramacha's he owed.

The window didn't exactly help either. He had to work for a week in the hotel for a week to pay that one off. That was hard to do considering he had about a gazillion speeches to write. It was all the stupid chimera's fault!

Writing speeches though, came naturally to Percy. 

Then again, his speeches were all like, "Hi, I'm Percy and I wanna be the coolest prez the U.S. has EVER had!"

They HAD to vote for him. 

Now Percy was staring at the screen. They were counting up the votes for each president. Him, or Annabeth?

Who would the country choose?

Then the screen blinked, and a host came on stage. He had a french moustache and was wearing a bright pink suit. 'So manly,' Percy thought as he watched the man speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Julius Caesar III. I am here to announce the next president of the United States," he said in a British accent.

"Ugh! STOP STALLING!!" Percy whined as Tyson and Grover attempted to calm him down. 

Key word: Attempted.

Percy shooed them off. Then the host gave a smile like You-are-all-going-to-hate-me-soon, "I will announce the next president... after the break.

"Why you stupid Julius Caesar!" Percy screamed as he lunged for the TV, Tyson grabbed him an held him up by his shirt. 

Percy had that I'm-going-to-murder-you look. Tyson gulped but held his ground.

Five agonizing (for Percy) minutes later, the idiotic host came back on, "Finally!" 

"We have been waiting for a few months to find out who our next president will be. Now we will find out," the host started, completely unaware of the mad demigod about to attack him through a screen.

"The next president is... going to be told right after the break," he said as he winked and a commerical for Olive Garden came on.

"Gaaaaah!" Percy screamed, "That son of a-"

"Percy!" Grover said, "Language!"

"Sorry," Percy said not looking sorry at all.

Then the host came back on, "I'm getting really sick of him..."Percy said.

"The next president is-"

"If you say after this break I swear..." Percy said trailing off at the end.

"Percy Jackson!"


President of The USA (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now