The Inaguration

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Percy walked onto the stage wearing a blue suit. He was in Washington D.C. and was about to actually become the president.

The host of the party wore a black suit and had a bit of a beard. He would be the one to swear Percy into presidency.

Percy was having a mini party in his head, "I won! I won! I won!" his inner musicians sang.

Then Percy was called onto the stage, instead of placing his hand on a bible, he placed his hand on a book of law, "Do you swear to lead this country and lead us to pride?" the host asked.

"I, Percy Jackson, swear."

"You are now the forty-seventh president of the United States of America!"

Then they partied. Then Percy thought of something

While everybody was dancing, I spoke to the host, "Hey... host-dude?"

He turned, "My name is Neil Blackman."

"Okay, Mr.Blackman... I have a question for you," Percy said.

Neil smiled, "Ask away!"

"Can I retire early?" 

The smile was wiped off his face faster then you can say "President".


President of The USA (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now