4: Better to be watched by a wild animal than a nosey man

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A lion’s roar can be heard from as far as 5 miles away and is the second largest cat on earth.

The ride that had seemed so short that morning had become the longest, most unbearable experience of your life. Not only was the A.C. barely working and you had four crybabies in the backseat bickering, but your legs were on fire from doing your damndest to hover as much as possible so as not to completely sit your ass on some strange hybrid’s overly muscular thighs. 

The hybrid in question hadn’t said a word the entire ride at least, but unfortunately, that didn’t do much for you when you could still feel his chest bump against your back as he breathed and the car jolted, or feel his legs tense beneath your bottom every time you went over a speed-bump. Every now and again, against your better judgement, you looked into the rearview mirror to see how he was faring, but he hadn’t turned his gaze away from the window since your eyes caught his for the briefest of moments.

“We’re almost there guys.” You weren’t sure if you were reassuring them or yourself, but you figured that the sooner you got to the apartment, the better for you all.

With that thought in mind, you pressed a little harder on the gas. The light in front of you turned yellow, challenging you to either stop and endure, or speed up and hopefully make it through without having to spend a moment longer in the torture oven. Speeding seemed like the best option. 

At least, that’s what you thought until the light turned red just before you could make it to the line. With a series of, “fuck fuck fuck’s,” you slammed on the break, lurching everyone in the car forward like crammed Pringles. 

Seokjin and Namjoon, with their long arms, managed to catch Taehyung and Jimin. Yoongi merely snapped about how you couldn’t drive either and went on a tangent, but he was safe at the very least. Jungkook instinctively grabbed the oh-shit handle just in time, only lurching forward a little with a small cry of shock. His wide eyes looking over at you then to the others in the backseat.

You—on the other hand—were crushed into the steering wheel with the weight of Hoseok’s body slamming into yours, the leather rim smashing into your solar plexus and throat while the car’s horn blared unmercifully outside. Hoseok grunted loudly into your ear as his chin came over your shoulder, his breath fanning across your neck and face from the close proximity, lips practically brushing against your skin. 

You would be embarrassed if you could breath, but as you gulped for air and found none going to your lungs, you decided the embarrassing position was the last of your worries. Shoving Hoseok back with your elbows, you gasped as you leaned over the wheel, curling in on yourself while waiting for the pain to subside.

“Shit, are you okay?!” Hoseok cried, pulling his hat back to try and get a good look at you, worry stitching his brows.

“I’m fine,” you heaved, your watering eyes sending the red light the deadliest glare you could muster. “Just peachy.”

Cars around you craned their necks probingly, probably trying to understand why the crazy lady in the car filled with hybrids was laying on the horn. A few older women on the side-walk, walking their poodles, shot you a scrutinizing glance before pulling their dogs to safety on the other side, as though trying to get as far away from the crazy as they possibly could. 

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