14: Moving Forward...

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Art of convincing others to believe a lie — something your parents excelled at.

Brightly colored rays of light flashed in your peripherals while your mind traveled beyond the Lifetime movie you and Tae were currently watching. Instead of focusing on the tragic story of an old painter who was slowly losing control of his hands, your thoughts replayed the events from the store over and over. That woman’s voice ringing in your ears like an alarm going off.

All you could do was stand and watch as a pretty young woman hesitantly approached Yoongi’s back, her slim manicured fingers brushing against the fabric of his shirt before they rested on his shoulder while the wolf stood frozen by the exit, looking as if he were about to run for it.

“Yoongi? Is that really you?” Her glossy black hair shimmered, almost blue under the harsh lights as she tilted her head, trying to get a better look at your wolf until he took a deep breath and finally turned to face her with cold black eyes.

“It’s me.” He stated, piercing the woman with sharp eyes.

You couldn’t see her face anymore, but as her shoulders relaxed a little, you could guess she looked relieved. Her hands anxiously clasped at the sides of her flowery white dress, seeming to psych herself up.

Just then his icy black eyes landed on you. You thought for just one moment, you could see a vulnerability in them, but just as soon as it arrived, it was gone as his eyes shifted back to the stranger while you approached apprehensive, standing just off to the side of Yoongi to show you were present and that you were his owner.

“You look like you’re doing well.” The woman breathed, her gaze briefly looking you over before it returned to Yoongi’s stoic face.

“I am.”

You absently chewed your fingernail, attention landing on Taehyung for a moment when his cough pulled you back to the present. He was rapt on the TV, leaning forward from his spot on the floor. His tail performed a little dance—something to focus on as a pang in your heart still nagged at you over the exchange from before.

“I miss you.. I miss coming home to see you cooking for me. Miss the smell of your shampoo and the way your arms felt around my waist..” You could hear tears in her voice as she carried on, though your focus was on Yoongi and the way his ears and tail began to droop.

“I want you back, Yoongi. It’s so lonely without you.” The instant her hands landed on his shoulders, you could see all of his walls fall down, revealing a soft, hurting puppy who looked like he had been waiting all his life to hear those words.

You had to shift and reposition in your seat, your skin feeling tight and itchy all over. Of course you’d thought about the possibility of having to send your hybrids to new homes eventually. There was no way you could afford to care for them the way they needed. The adoption was never supposed to be a permanent thing, after all.. But however you looked or thought about it, you hadn’t exactly been prepared for it to happen so soon. Hearing such endearing words coming from a perfect stranger toward one of your hybrids, and to see him respond so openly.. 

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