Being Bailey's Mother

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Chapter Twenty-Six... Being Bailey's Mother

Becca's POV

It had been a whirlwind couple of weeks.

Actually, the past year had been so hectic, so full of new beginnings and new things to look forward to. And everything either fell into its place, or it simply wreaked havoc on everyone.

In the past year I had been involved in a motor vehicle accident, finished high school, gotten pregnant, gotten engaged and then married, watched my sister go through all the typical teenage rebellion, helped my husband's sister with her pregnancy (well, gave her someone to talk to I mean), learnt my best friend had finally met her true love and was also expecting, suffered the world's worst morning sickness which landed me in hospital on numerous occasions, tried to help my sister out of her troublesome state, and failed, and then had to endure her almost dying as the motorbike she was riding on crashed. But out of all of those things, nothing compared to bringing my son Bailey into the world, and becoming a mother.

Life had changed so much. And I almost couldn't keep up with it.

As I visited my sister Addy in the hospital again, once more, I noticed how much she had changed from my visit to her yesterday. Bailey slept so peacfully in my arms, as usual. He was such a good baby, which was great considering I still felt like I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.

"I'm taking Addy home soon," mom's voice came from behind me.

"She looks... sad," I whispered.

"I was supposed to take her yesterday, but it didn't happen," mom sighed. "And she got a visitor while I was busy in the ER. Hasn't spoken a word since. Just... sat there."

"What changed?" I questioned.

"Honestly, Bec, I don't know," mom shrugged, looking clueless. "All I know is that Kyle's sister came to visit her yesterday afternoon, and since then she has been mute. I have no idea what Shaelee said to her, but it can't have been good."

"You know Shaelee?" I asked, surprised.

"Rebecca, I know so many more people in this town than you probably realise," mom frowned, folding her arms. "Shaelee and her brother are both trouble. Can't imagine Kyle would have been much different, but Addy loved him. I can't change that."

"She'll be okay, won't she?" I asked hesitantly. "I mean, she's gotta be okay."

"Physically, yes," mom replied automatically.

"I mean emotionally," I rolled my eyes.

"How am I supposed to know?" mom snapped. "I don't know her anymore, Becca. She's... she's not a little girl anymore. Hasn't been for a long time."

Mom walked off towards Addy's room. I stood there watching as they put Addy into a wheelchair, packed up her belongings, and wheeled her down to the car. She never spoke the entire time, in fact she didn't even look at us. It was weird.

"Addy?" I asked hesitantly. She didn't look at me.

"I tried that," mom muttered sourly.

"Do you want a cuddle with Bailey?" I asked Addy, ignoring mom.

Addy looked at me, and I felt hopeful. But she just held her hands out, and I handed Bailey to her, hoping that she would talk.

However, she remained silent.

"I tried," I sighed, admitting defeat. "She'll talk when she's ready, I guess."

"Hopefully," mom frowned, taking Bailey from Addy. "But for now, let's just get my baby home. And you need to take your baby home. He's only nine days old, and you haven't really settled him in at home yet."

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