I'm Wide Awake (Addy's POV)

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Chapter Twenty-Five... I'm Wide Awake

Addy's POV

Have you ever woken up with the feeling that you've lost a day, or two?

Have you ever woken up feeling like you've been hit by a truck, but you're pretty sure that you weren't?

No? Well I have. In fact, I was right now.

I could hear whispers in the distance. The bed was slightly uncomfortable, and I could feel something horrible down my throat. This thing in my throat was the one thing that I couldn't handle, and instinctively, I reached to pull it out, my eyes not even open. It was a tube. Where was I?

"No, Addy! Don't pull that out!" mom's distinctive voice called, and I heard footsteps, and felt a set of hands on me.

I opened my eyes.

Bright lights above my head, and everything was a crisp white. Mom's face was there, looking at me. I realised that she had a small torch that she was looking into my eyes with.

"You're awake," she breathed. "Thank God."

"Are we gonna pull the tube out?" another voice spoke.

"Yes, she doesn't need it anymore," mom smiled. "Here, help me," she added to the other woman, and the horrible tube was pulled.

I coughed and spluttered, and took in a deep breath.

"Ow," I mumbled.

"Addy, I'm gonna go get the doctor," mom grinned. "I'll be back."

"You are a doctor," I gasped.

"Yes, but I'm not your doctor," she chuckled. "Hold tight."

Mom was gone for a few minutes, and I caught a glimpse of the other woman in the room. She was a nurse, and she had a kind smile. I was in hospital, obviously. But why? The last thing I could remember was fighting with mom. Oh God! Had she put me in here?!

No. Something else must have happened.

"Hello Addison," a male doctor smiled, and the nurse moved the bed so I was sitting up. I could see the whole room now...

"Hi," I muttered.

"I'm Dr Rasher, the surgeon who operated on you," he introduced himself. "It's nice to see you awake. How are you feeling?"

"Surgeon?" I frowned.

"Yes," he smiled. "Do you remember what happened?"

"No," I replied. "What happened?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" he questioned.

"Fighting with my mom," I whispered. "Over my boyfriend. And school."

"You were in an accident, with Kyle," Dr Rasher informed me. "You were on a motorcycle. You've been in a coma for two days."

"Explains why I feel like I've been hit by a truck," I grumbled.

He chuckled.

"The motorcycle hit a car," he continued. "You almost died on me. During the surgery we discovered that your heart is weaker than it should be, and hopefully that's not something that's going to affect you later in life, but after you're fully recovered, we'll run some tests and see how your heart is."

"I'm a diabetic, I don't need a heart condition," I scowled.

"I know, so we're hoping it was just a reaction to the anaesthetic," he sighed. "But we had to remove your spleen, and repair your kidney. You should make a full recovery."

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