Chapter 35

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(Blake's POV)

I slashed through one of the Grimm on the train, turning it to dust. I saw more flying towards the train. I never seen these type of Grimm before. They look like lions with wings.

Blake: They just keep coming.

I thought about (Y/N). It's been awhile since I've last saw him. I can't keep thinking about it.  Ruby told me that Cinder's group took him away. I can't help but feel worried for (Y/N).

Yang: Blake!

Yang dashed passed me and punched away a Grimm that was about to attack me.

Yang: That was close.

Blake: Yeah... Thanks Yang.

Oscar: Tunnel!

Everyone looked over and saw the train about to go through a tunnel. Everyone quickly went back down into the train. We are in the last cart of the train.

Qrow: Grimm won't be bothering this train for a bit. We can rest for that time.

I sighed and sat down on a chair. I looked over and saw Ruby, Weiss, and Yang walking over to me.

Yang: Blake. Why were you zoning out earlier.

Blake: Oh... You know why...

Weiss: (Y/N)...

Ruby: Do you want to talk about it?

I was about to say no, but I remembered what (Y/N) said to me back at my house.

(Y/N): You need to stop pushing us out, or we'll push back ten times harder.

Blake: Yes. I do.

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang sat down next to me.

Blake: I'm just scared for him. I have no idea what could be happening to him right now and I don't like it. Whatever he's going through, I can't be there with him and help him through it.

I felt tears form in the corners of my eyes. I felt Yang put her hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

Blake: I lose sleep over it.

Ruby: It's going to be ok Blake. (Y/N) is a tough guy. Whatever he's going through, I'm sure he's thinking about you, waiting to see you again.

Weiss: Knowing (Y/N), he's probably chasing this train right now.

I just smiled to myself. That is something he would do.

Yang: You shouldn't be torturing yourself over it, because (Y/N) wouldn't want that.

I just nodded my head and wiped my tears away.

Yang: Plus, we already went through you not getting sleep. We don't want that happening again.

The four of us shared a little laugh. I started to feel a little better, but my worry is still there. I looked out of a window, seeing a snow covered forest. I felt something hit the train cart, making all the passengers scream. I saw more of those flying Grimm, shooting fireballs at the train.

Jaune: Oh crap!

Qrow: Great. Jaune, Nora, Ren! Take all the passengers and take them to the next cart!

Jaune: Right sir! Everyone! Please follow me!

Jaune, Ren, and Nora helped everyone to the next cart. Me and my team got up, getting our weapons ready.

Oscar: Um guys?

Qrow: What is it pipsqueak?

Oscar: I think we should hold onto something!

Pure Evolution (Male reader x Blake Belladonna)Where stories live. Discover now