Chapter 40

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(Blake's POV)

Everyone has been walking through this forest for a while. The snow started to pick up. I can only hope we find someone or something to help us.

Qrow: Doesn't look like this is gonna let up.

Blake: Just wanna get this stupid Relic to Atlas.

Weiss: Let's hope we don't have to walk all the way there.

Yang, who is pushing her bike, looked at Maria, who is sitting on Yang's bike.

Yang: I thought trails led somewhere.

Maria: Do you have nothing better to do than to harass a defenseless old lady?

Ruby: Everyone, quiet. Do you hear that?

Everyone stopped. I started to hear the sound of metal squeaking. I looked over to my left and saw a metal gate. Everyone else noticed and we all walked up to it. A bunch of buildings are past the gate. The gate has a sign above it reading "BRUNSWICK FARMS".

Blake: Well, at least one good thing happened today.

Weiss: It looks abandoned.

Ruby: It's still better than being out in the snow.

Qrow: Come on, I think we could all use some rest.

We walked through the gate. I looked at the buildings. It doesn't look like anything has been here for awhile.

Ruby: I don't get it. The empty towns I've passed through were all damaged or unfinished. But this place looks... Fine.

We made it to the biggest house. We walked onto the porch.

Weiss: Maybe everyone left in a hurry. Before things took a turn?

Qrow tried to open the door, but it's locked.

Qrow: Stay on guard.

We all got our weapons out. Qrow kicked the door open. We all walked inside, looking for anything suspicious.

Maria: Close the door already! It's cold enough in here as it is.

After Qrow kicking the door open, it's not going to be staying shut. Me and Oscar moved a nearby drawer to keep the door closed.

Blake: I saw a chimney from the outside. Maybe we could get a fire going?

Weiss: Please. I'll look for some blankets.

Qrow: Yang, go with her.

Weiss and Yang went up a nearby set of stairs. Oscar went up to a door and opened it. He looked into the room.

Oscar: Looks like a study. Or, a library?

Everyone else walked into the room. I saw Ruby walk up to a shelf and looked at some pictures. I walked up to her and looked at the pictures. The pictures show a lot of people, most likely everyone who lives here.

Blake: What do you think?

Ruby: Something doesn't feel right.

Blake: Let's look for some-

I was interrupted by a high pitched scream.

Ruby: Weiss!

Me and Ruby ran out of the room and went upstairs. We saw an open door. We ran in and saw Yang and Weiss. I looked at the bed and saw two corpses. They both are decomposed. What even happened here?!

(Readers POV)

After flying for so long, I felt myself start to get cold. I saw a city next to the sea. I quickly flew down to the city and landed on the streets. I got rid of my wings and started to walk around.

Pure Evolution (Male reader x Blake Belladonna)Where stories live. Discover now